車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | dif...
DIFFICULT make sth ~; ~ for sb/sth to-V; -->become difficult
$$ It is difficult to design a form of magnet array to achieve the necessary accuracy of deposition of the free and pinned layers. / 自由磁性層及びピン止めされた磁性層の付着に必要とされる正確さを達成するするためのマグネットアレイの形状の設計は困難である。(USP6190517)
$$ Such pumps generally require large numbers of components, and are difficult and expensive to service and maintain. (USP02051714)
$$ In contrast, the U and V vectors are difficult to imagine. (USP6075887)
$$ This method can also provide a plurality of brightness levels which are less susceptible to temperature variations and other variations which are difficult to control. (USP6087786)
$$ However, a delay in transmission, particularly if it is not constant, can be very distracting and make conversation difficult. / しかしながら伝送における遅延は、とくにそれが一定でないときは著しく不和が生じ、会話が困難になることがある。(USP6584098)
$$ This makes it difficult for the latch mechanism to be released in an unauthorised manner. (USP6474120)
$$ Likewise it is difficult for packet-based systems to support delay-intolerant applications with the same quality of service as traditional circuit-switched telephony systems provide. / 同じように、パケットベースのシステムは、従来の回路交換電話システムが提供するのと同じサービス品質をもつ遅延不寛容の応用を支援することは困難である。(USP6584098)
$$ Furthermore, it is not desirable for the first portion to be very dry, because very dry raw sludge is usually very fibrous, with little density, again rendering it difficult to use. (USP01023853)
$$ Both of these circumstances can make it difficult to measure wavefront aberration reliably through the specimen. / これらの状況は共に、試料を通した信頼性のある波面収差の測定を困難にし得る。(USP6570143)
$$ Because such codes are short they are easy to find fortuitously, making access control difficult. / そのようなコードは短いために、偶然的に見つかり易く、アクセス制御が困難となる。(USP6161012)
DIFFICULT make sth ~; ~ for sb/sth to-V; -->become difficult
$$ It is difficult to design a form of magnet array to achieve the necessary accuracy of deposition of the free and pinned layers. / 自由磁性層及びピン止めされた磁性層の付着に必要とされる正確さを達成するするためのマグネットアレイの形状の設計は困難である。(USP6190517)
$$ Such pumps generally require large numbers of components, and are difficult and expensive to service and maintain. (USP02051714)
$$ In contrast, the U and V vectors are difficult to imagine. (USP6075887)
$$ This method can also provide a plurality of brightness levels which are less susceptible to temperature variations and other variations which are difficult to control. (USP6087786)
$$ However, a delay in transmission, particularly if it is not constant, can be very distracting and make conversation difficult. / しかしながら伝送における遅延は、とくにそれが一定でないときは著しく不和が生じ、会話が困難になることがある。(USP6584098)
$$ This makes it difficult for the latch mechanism to be released in an unauthorised manner. (USP6474120)
$$ Likewise it is difficult for packet-based systems to support delay-intolerant applications with the same quality of service as traditional circuit-switched telephony systems provide. / 同じように、パケットベースのシステムは、従来の回路交換電話システムが提供するのと同じサービス品質をもつ遅延不寛容の応用を支援することは困難である。(USP6584098)
$$ Furthermore, it is not desirable for the first portion to be very dry, because very dry raw sludge is usually very fibrous, with little density, again rendering it difficult to use. (USP01023853)
$$ Both of these circumstances can make it difficult to measure wavefront aberration reliably through the specimen. / これらの状況は共に、試料を通した信頼性のある波面収差の測定を困難にし得る。(USP6570143)
$$ Because such codes are short they are easy to find fortuitously, making access control difficult. / そのようなコードは短いために、偶然的に見つかり易く、アクセス制御が困難となる。(USP6161012)