BE IT A OR B / AであろうとBであろうと
車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | be
BE IT A OR B / AであろうとBであろうと
$$ The HLR would be interrogated and the call set up as in a `normal` circuit-switched call, be it circuit-switched data or Internet speech. / HLRは質問され、‘正規’の回路交換の呼におけるように呼がセットアップされ、回路交換方式のデータの場合もインターネット言語の場合もそのようになる。(USP6584098)
$$ The invention is applicable to any medium which can be used to store video, be it magnetically or optically. (USP7343081) 磁気式であろうと光学式であろうと
$$ Another aim of the invention is to provide means of identifying a video frame or a sequence of frames which can be used with pre-recorded video storage media, be it tapes or other video storage media. (USP7343081) テープであろうと、映像記録媒体であろうと
$$ Stairs are well-known to be awkward places in which to work from, be it decorating or carrying out general maintenance to adjoining walls and ceilings. (USP5967261)
BE IT A OR B / AであろうとBであろうと
$$ The HLR would be interrogated and the call set up as in a `normal` circuit-switched call, be it circuit-switched data or Internet speech. / HLRは質問され、‘正規’の回路交換の呼におけるように呼がセットアップされ、回路交換方式のデータの場合もインターネット言語の場合もそのようになる。(USP6584098)
$$ The invention is applicable to any medium which can be used to store video, be it magnetically or optically. (USP7343081) 磁気式であろうと光学式であろうと
$$ Another aim of the invention is to provide means of identifying a video frame or a sequence of frames which can be used with pre-recorded video storage media, be it tapes or other video storage media. (USP7343081) テープであろうと、映像記録媒体であろうと
$$ Stairs are well-known to be awkward places in which to work from, be it decorating or carrying out general maintenance to adjoining walls and ceilings. (USP5967261)