車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | wa...
$$ If a new customer joins a channel, it waits until it receives a tariff before processing any adjustment announcements. / 新しい顧客がチャンネルに加わると、顧客システムは調整アナウンスメントを処理する前に料金を受取るまで待機する。(USP7319673)
$$ Wait until the data is taken. (USP01017899)
$$ However, since it is not expected to read from the RAM's output, one can wait until the last possible moment. (USP6691301)
$$ The PC requests an access, but is made to wait until the start of its next timeslice. / PCはアクセスを要求するが、次のタイムスライスが始まるまで待たされる。(USP5559936)
$$ The need to wait until the currently executing instruction has completed results from the requirement to ensure data integrity by stopping the processor in a known condition. (USP5748518)
$$ The timing between domains is unspecified, but the transmission is guaranteed to occur, and both sides may wait until the transmission has completed. (USP6691301)
$$ FIFO overflow never occurs since the DMA controller automatically waits until there is room in the FIFO before doing any transfers. (USP5727192)
$$ If a new customer joins a channel, it waits until it receives a tariff before processing any adjustment announcements. / 新しい顧客がチャンネルに加わると、顧客システムは調整アナウンスメントを処理する前に料金を受取るまで待機する。(USP7319673)
$$ Wait until the data is taken. (USP01017899)
$$ However, since it is not expected to read from the RAM's output, one can wait until the last possible moment. (USP6691301)
$$ The PC requests an access, but is made to wait until the start of its next timeslice. / PCはアクセスを要求するが、次のタイムスライスが始まるまで待たされる。(USP5559936)
$$ The need to wait until the currently executing instruction has completed results from the requirement to ensure data integrity by stopping the processor in a known condition. (USP5748518)
$$ The timing between domains is unspecified, but the transmission is guaranteed to occur, and both sides may wait until the transmission has completed. (USP6691301)
$$ FIFO overflow never occurs since the DMA controller automatically waits until there is room in the FIFO before doing any transfers. (USP5727192)
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