車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | wa...
$$ That is, the Browser sends its request and then waits for a response before proceeding with any further processing or initiating other requests. / 即ち、ブラウザはそれの要求を送り、応答を待ってからそれ以上の何らかの処理を進行させ、又は他の要求を開始させる。(USP6336135)
$$ Because the ACRTC is not using its timeslice, the PC access is granted without waiting for the next PC timeslice. / なぜならば、ACRTCはタイムスライスを使っていず、PCアクセスは次のPCのタイムスライスを待つことなく許される。(USP5559936)
$$ That is, the processes making the logging requests do not wait for the Logging Server 56 to finish performing a logging request. / すなわち、ロギング要求を行うプロセスは、ロギングサーバ56がロギング要求を実行し終わるのを待たない。(USP5907602)
$$ Secondly, the system can be programmed to--initially--treat the call as a normal call and wait for the caller to hang up after 3 to 5 rings. (USP6587551)
$$ Programmers must be careful to avoid the deadlock condition that will result if the host is waiting for space to become free in the input FIFO while GLINT is waiting for the host to read data from the output FIFO. (USP5727192)
$$ If the contention active line is low then a contention sequence is already in progress and the card has to wait for this to finish. (USP5377189)
$$ That is, the Browser sends its request and then waits for a response before proceeding with any further processing or initiating other requests. / 即ち、ブラウザはそれの要求を送り、応答を待ってからそれ以上の何らかの処理を進行させ、又は他の要求を開始させる。(USP6336135)
$$ Because the ACRTC is not using its timeslice, the PC access is granted without waiting for the next PC timeslice. / なぜならば、ACRTCはタイムスライスを使っていず、PCアクセスは次のPCのタイムスライスを待つことなく許される。(USP5559936)
$$ That is, the processes making the logging requests do not wait for the Logging Server 56 to finish performing a logging request. / すなわち、ロギング要求を行うプロセスは、ロギングサーバ56がロギング要求を実行し終わるのを待たない。(USP5907602)
$$ Secondly, the system can be programmed to--initially--treat the call as a normal call and wait for the caller to hang up after 3 to 5 rings. (USP6587551)
$$ Programmers must be careful to avoid the deadlock condition that will result if the host is waiting for space to become free in the input FIFO while GLINT is waiting for the host to read data from the output FIFO. (USP5727192)
$$ If the contention active line is low then a contention sequence is already in progress and the card has to wait for this to finish. (USP5377189)