車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | con...
$$ The platform (10) should be continually monitored for removal of one of the tokens. / プラットホーム(10)はトークンの1つの削除について継続的に監視される必要がある。(USP7578441)
$$ As is in the case in many manufacturing processes, there is a need to monitor continually the quality of cigarettes produced on a maker. / 多くの製造プロセスの場合と同様に、メーカーによって製造された巻きタバコの品質は継続的にモニタリングしなければならない。(USP7580137)
$$ The algorithm re-schedules a failed call for the same night, then for several subsequent nights, and eventually during the day if the call continually fails. / このアルゴリズムは、同じ日の夜のために、そして後続する数夜のために、通話が継続して失敗する場合には結局日中のために、失敗した通話を再度スケジュール調整する。(USP6073174)
$$ In use, the GPS 12 continually sends geographical position data to comparator 16. (USP7225063)
$$ The operation of the ATM device chain is dependent on the continual functioning of the control computer. (USP6118782)
$$ This uses standard display technology whereby the display system is continually updated using data stored in the memory. (USP5940204)
$$ Thus the focus is continually perturbed by an amount which is not appreciable to the eye but which is measurable by F. (USP4816919)
$$ The platform (10) should be continually monitored for removal of one of the tokens. / プラットホーム(10)はトークンの1つの削除について継続的に監視される必要がある。(USP7578441)
$$ As is in the case in many manufacturing processes, there is a need to monitor continually the quality of cigarettes produced on a maker. / 多くの製造プロセスの場合と同様に、メーカーによって製造された巻きタバコの品質は継続的にモニタリングしなければならない。(USP7580137)
$$ The algorithm re-schedules a failed call for the same night, then for several subsequent nights, and eventually during the day if the call continually fails. / このアルゴリズムは、同じ日の夜のために、そして後続する数夜のために、通話が継続して失敗する場合には結局日中のために、失敗した通話を再度スケジュール調整する。(USP6073174)
$$ In use, the GPS 12 continually sends geographical position data to comparator 16. (USP7225063)
$$ The operation of the ATM device chain is dependent on the continual functioning of the control computer. (USP6118782)
$$ This uses standard display technology whereby the display system is continually updated using data stored in the memory. (USP5940204)
$$ Thus the focus is continually perturbed by an amount which is not appreciable to the eye but which is measurable by F. (USP4816919)