車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | adv...
-->inform, notify
$$ The device is arranged to advise the user of any connection steps that are required, and will advise the user of any mistakes. / 装置は必要とされるあらゆる接続ステップをユーザに知らせるように構成され、ユーザにあらゆる誤りを知らせる。(USP7587029)
$$ In any event, if such combinations are determined at least maintenance personnel will be advised that the drain needs to be flushed. (USP7146849)
$$ Such a detector is preferably linked to an alert mechanism, such as a visual or audible alarm, which is activated to advise a user that more salt is required. (USP6632347)
$$ In these situations, the controller will issue warning messages to advise the user that she should reconfigure the network topology. (USP6396815)
$$ The fax detection facility 305 then advises the message selector 310 whether or not the incoming call 300 is a fax call or a voice call. / 次にファックス検出機能305は、到来呼300がファックス呼であるか、または音声呼であるかをメッセージ選択装置310へ通知する。(USP6775249)
$$ If the user was already using a service which became unavailable in the new cell, the system will advise the user and, if appropriate, put the service effectively on hold until the user enters a cell in which the service is available once more. / 新しいセルで利用できなくなっているサービスをユーザがすでに使用している場合には、システムはユーザに通知し、適切であれば、サービスが再度利用可能であるセルにユーザが入るまでそのサービスを効果的に保持する。(USP6151309)
-->inform, notify
$$ The device is arranged to advise the user of any connection steps that are required, and will advise the user of any mistakes. / 装置は必要とされるあらゆる接続ステップをユーザに知らせるように構成され、ユーザにあらゆる誤りを知らせる。(USP7587029)
$$ In any event, if such combinations are determined at least maintenance personnel will be advised that the drain needs to be flushed. (USP7146849)
$$ Such a detector is preferably linked to an alert mechanism, such as a visual or audible alarm, which is activated to advise a user that more salt is required. (USP6632347)
$$ In these situations, the controller will issue warning messages to advise the user that she should reconfigure the network topology. (USP6396815)
$$ The fax detection facility 305 then advises the message selector 310 whether or not the incoming call 300 is a fax call or a voice call. / 次にファックス検出機能305は、到来呼300がファックス呼であるか、または音声呼であるかをメッセージ選択装置310へ通知する。(USP6775249)
$$ If the user was already using a service which became unavailable in the new cell, the system will advise the user and, if appropriate, put the service effectively on hold until the user enters a cell in which the service is available once more. / 新しいセルで利用できなくなっているサービスをユーザがすでに使用している場合には、システムはユーザに通知し、適切であれば、サービスが再度利用可能であるセルにユーザが入るまでそのサービスを効果的に保持する。(USP6151309)