車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | wr...
$$ That will ensure that adjacent blocks of system memory cannot be inadvertently over-written following a cache write-back or invalidation. / それにより、キャッシュのライトバック及び無効化の後に、システムメモリの近接するブロックが誤って重ね書きされないことが確実となる。(USP6138216)
$$ The main program reads a word from the external device before writing one word back. (USP6691301)
$$ Data in the buffer is now written back into B without inversion.(USP6236600)
$$ The blend is then written back to the picture store replacing the pixels previously stored therein. (USP6137496)
$$ If hardware write masks are not available, GLINT must be programmed to read the memory, merge the value with the new value using the write mask, and write it back. (USP5727192)
$$ The data found at this address is then written back into the original buffer. (USP6072499)
$$ In the present embodiment, data is written back in the same location from which it was read. (USP6236600)
$$ Occasionally, data must be written back from the cache memory 44, 46 to the system memory 48. (USP6138216)
$$ That will ensure that adjacent blocks of system memory cannot be inadvertently over-written following a cache write-back or invalidation. / それにより、キャッシュのライトバック及び無効化の後に、システムメモリの近接するブロックが誤って重ね書きされないことが確実となる。(USP6138216)
$$ The main program reads a word from the external device before writing one word back. (USP6691301)
$$ Data in the buffer is now written back into B without inversion.(USP6236600)
$$ The blend is then written back to the picture store replacing the pixels previously stored therein. (USP6137496)
$$ If hardware write masks are not available, GLINT must be programmed to read the memory, merge the value with the new value using the write mask, and write it back. (USP5727192)
$$ The data found at this address is then written back into the original buffer. (USP6072499)
$$ In the present embodiment, data is written back in the same location from which it was read. (USP6236600)
$$ Occasionally, data must be written back from the cache memory 44, 46 to the system memory 48. (USP6138216)