車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | wo...
$$ Hence, somewhat paradoxically, embodiments of the present invention might be worsened by improving the apparatus used to capture the digital signature. (USP6549118)
$$ When an electrode reaches temperatures in excess of 80℃ sticking invariably happens, and is worsened when the tissue approaches desiccation.(USP02052599)
$$ Even worse, for efficient channel allocation, are the unpredictable fluctuations in demand resulting from events such as road accidents. / 効果的なチャンネル割り当てにおいてさらに悪いことは、道路での事故のような事件が発生して、予測不可能な需要の変動が生ずることである。(USP6539228)
$$ The latter problem is typically worse when the load current is normally high. / 後者の問題は一般に、負荷電流が、通常、高い場合により深刻となる。(USP6331767)
$$ The fuel atomisation would be worse at low power, giving rise to improved stability. / 燃料の噴霧(微粒化)の具合は出力が低いと悪く、それにより安定性が向上する。(USP6474569)
$$ At first glance, it looks like things have been worse by increasing the number of clock cycles but one can now add parallelism to make it look like this: (USP6691301)
$$ We see that the results are now worse, and that the benefits of ring-doping are smaller. (USP6445494)
$$ Hence, somewhat paradoxically, embodiments of the present invention might be worsened by improving the apparatus used to capture the digital signature. (USP6549118)
$$ When an electrode reaches temperatures in excess of 80℃ sticking invariably happens, and is worsened when the tissue approaches desiccation.(USP02052599)
$$ Even worse, for efficient channel allocation, are the unpredictable fluctuations in demand resulting from events such as road accidents. / 効果的なチャンネル割り当てにおいてさらに悪いことは、道路での事故のような事件が発生して、予測不可能な需要の変動が生ずることである。(USP6539228)
$$ The latter problem is typically worse when the load current is normally high. / 後者の問題は一般に、負荷電流が、通常、高い場合により深刻となる。(USP6331767)
$$ The fuel atomisation would be worse at low power, giving rise to improved stability. / 燃料の噴霧(微粒化)の具合は出力が低いと悪く、それにより安定性が向上する。(USP6474569)
$$ At first glance, it looks like things have been worse by increasing the number of clock cycles but one can now add parallelism to make it look like this: (USP6691301)
$$ We see that the results are now worse, and that the benefits of ring-doping are smaller. (USP6445494)