現在の読者数 50人

WHEN V-ing


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | when

WHEN V-ing

$$ When querying the index for a specific key, each conclusion set in a single path running to the very least significant conclusion set must be queried. / ある特定のキーのインデックスに照会を行うと、最下位の結論セットに達する単一のパス内の各結論セットが、照会の対象にならなければならない。(USP7577673)

$$ Such a technique is useful not only when beam directing, but also when cancelling sound at a particular location to create nulls. / このような技術はビーム指向時だけでなく、特定位置における音をキャンセルしてヌルを生成する時にも有用である。(USP7577260)

$$ In addition, it can help to reduce or eliminate so-called solvent/anti-solvent effects that can arise when using two vehicles together. / 更に、2つのビヒクルを共に使用する場合にもたらされることがあるいわゆる溶媒/抗溶媒効果を減少させ又はなくすのを補助することができる。(USP7150766)

$$ The advantage of doing this is that the upper end of the passage 56, 62 is thereby located approximately on the centre line of the can 20, and thus renders the device substantially insensitive to can orientation when pouring. (USP5660867)

$$ In an embodiment, when working in RAID and extended storage provider environments, the software engine leverages disk optimization and caching features to ensure the optimal performance. (USP7292979)

$$ Additionally, because of the lengthy extension when towing, it is necessary to protect against unwanted extension of the mirror. (USP7114817)

$$ When connecting the inlets 2, 4, it is often essential to ensure that the inlets 2, 4 are connected to the correct water supplies. (USP6880575)

$$ When closing the same principles and advantages apply. (USP5411157)

$$ Obviously other factors come into play when trying to evolve such a program. (USP6810118)

$$ FIG. 1 is a sketch of a desirable temperature-time profile when heating a PCB; (USP6686565)


タグ :WHEN V-ing

 WHEN(名詞節:目的語) (2016-09-20 08:00)
 WHEN...THEN (2016-09-19 08:00)
 WHEN...SINCE (2016-09-18 08:00)
 WHEN...AND WHEN (2016-09-17 08:00)
 WHEN V-ing (2016-09-16 08:00)
 WHEN USED (2016-09-15 08:00)
