車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | vi...
$$ The reference radiation may be provided by providing a thermal source to be viewed by the channels. / 基準放射はチャネルによって観察されることになる熱源を設けることによって供給されることもあり得る。(USP6900756)
$$ Therefore the locations of all messages successfully delivered can be viewed by the GIS 2 operator. / したがってメッセージ伝達に成功した全ての場所をGIS2のオペレータは監視することができる。(USP6912270)
$$ The housing additionally contains a liquid crystal display (LCD display) which is viewed by the user during the iris recognition procedure through the same aperture. / ハウジングはさらに、アイリス(虹彩)認識手続き中にユーザによって同じアパーチャを通して見られる液晶ディスプレイ(LCDディスプレイ)を含む。 (USP6687389)
$$ The image formed on the front projection display screen 60 is viewed by the driver 58 via the collimating mirror 62, thus setting the apparent image distance at some value greater than the radius of the collimating mirror 62. (USP6735015)
$$ This minimum detectable parallax will depend upon the parameters of a particular display and in, for example, a situation where the images are optical images to be viewed by an observer, will depended upon the minimum resolution of the ey. (USP6438260)
$$ This demagnification permits the larger sample area to be viewed by the CCD camera 174 than would otherwise be the case. (USP6263095)
$$ The reference radiation may be provided by providing a thermal source to be viewed by the channels. / 基準放射はチャネルによって観察されることになる熱源を設けることによって供給されることもあり得る。(USP6900756)
$$ Therefore the locations of all messages successfully delivered can be viewed by the GIS 2 operator. / したがってメッセージ伝達に成功した全ての場所をGIS2のオペレータは監視することができる。(USP6912270)
$$ The housing additionally contains a liquid crystal display (LCD display) which is viewed by the user during the iris recognition procedure through the same aperture. / ハウジングはさらに、アイリス(虹彩)認識手続き中にユーザによって同じアパーチャを通して見られる液晶ディスプレイ(LCDディスプレイ)を含む。 (USP6687389)
$$ The image formed on the front projection display screen 60 is viewed by the driver 58 via the collimating mirror 62, thus setting the apparent image distance at some value greater than the radius of the collimating mirror 62. (USP6735015)
$$ This minimum detectable parallax will depend upon the parameters of a particular display and in, for example, a situation where the images are optical images to be viewed by an observer, will depended upon the minimum resolution of the ey. (USP6438260)
$$ This demagnification permits the larger sample area to be viewed by the CCD camera 174 than would otherwise be the case. (USP6263095)