車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | vi...
$$ Irrigation fluid from a central supply reaching this point will pass through the bore unhindered if there is no kink present, when the vicinity is relatively dry. / このポイントに達する中央供給源からの潅漑流体は、周辺が比較的乾燥しているとき、キンクが存在しない場合に妨害されない孔を通過する。(USP8979430)
$$ We do not require the source tree to reach the destination or to explore local roads in its vicinity as that would only be a small part of the plateaux. / それが台地の小さい一部にすぎないので、我々はソース木が目的地に着くこともその近傍において、ローカル道を探索することも必要としない。(USP8249810)
$$ Such chains tend to use the best roads in their vicinity, and are aligned to help in getting from source to destination. / この種のチェーンは、それらの近傍の最良の道を用いる傾向にあって、ソースから目的地まで行くのを助けるために整列配置される。(USP8249810)
$$ The polarisation properties of a PCF depend on the structure in the vicinity of the core. / PCFの偏光性能は、コア近傍の構造に依存する。(USP6631234)
$$ The surfaces of the flange portion and wall part of the device co-operate to prevent or at least restrict the ingress of foreign matter to the vicinity of the seal/shaft contact surface. (USP5996542)
$$ In the preferred embodiment the sound measuring device is used to remotely access the vicinity of the ear canal. (USP02076059)
$$ The invention relates to a flinger device for preventing the ingress of foreign matter such as dust or grit to the vicinity of a contact surface between a rotary shaft lubricant seal and the shaft. (USP5996542)
$$ Layer 307 is patterned to form the black matrix which covers the area occupied by the thin film transistors and slightly overlaps the pixels in its immediate vicinity. (USP6559914)
$$ Also present is a label or reporter molecule and an enzyme that catalyses binding of the label to other molecules in the vicinity. (USP6489123)
$$ Irrigation fluid from a central supply reaching this point will pass through the bore unhindered if there is no kink present, when the vicinity is relatively dry. / このポイントに達する中央供給源からの潅漑流体は、周辺が比較的乾燥しているとき、キンクが存在しない場合に妨害されない孔を通過する。(USP8979430)
$$ We do not require the source tree to reach the destination or to explore local roads in its vicinity as that would only be a small part of the plateaux. / それが台地の小さい一部にすぎないので、我々はソース木が目的地に着くこともその近傍において、ローカル道を探索することも必要としない。(USP8249810)
$$ Such chains tend to use the best roads in their vicinity, and are aligned to help in getting from source to destination. / この種のチェーンは、それらの近傍の最良の道を用いる傾向にあって、ソースから目的地まで行くのを助けるために整列配置される。(USP8249810)
$$ The polarisation properties of a PCF depend on the structure in the vicinity of the core. / PCFの偏光性能は、コア近傍の構造に依存する。(USP6631234)
$$ The surfaces of the flange portion and wall part of the device co-operate to prevent or at least restrict the ingress of foreign matter to the vicinity of the seal/shaft contact surface. (USP5996542)
$$ In the preferred embodiment the sound measuring device is used to remotely access the vicinity of the ear canal. (USP02076059)
$$ The invention relates to a flinger device for preventing the ingress of foreign matter such as dust or grit to the vicinity of a contact surface between a rotary shaft lubricant seal and the shaft. (USP5996542)
$$ Layer 307 is patterned to form the black matrix which covers the area occupied by the thin film transistors and slightly overlaps the pixels in its immediate vicinity. (USP6559914)
$$ Also present is a label or reporter molecule and an enzyme that catalyses binding of the label to other molecules in the vicinity. (USP6489123)