車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | tw...
-->threes, fives, etc.
$$ An alternative to offset-binary is twos-complement binary. (USP6373955): 2の補数
$$ This means that the logic is simplified and qplus 1 which is set when twos complementation is required) does not add to the critical path. (USP7167887)
$$ The 16 thresholds define 17 regions (compare the description of Flash ADC 804 above) and the 16 outputs from comparators 834 are preferably encoded as a twos complement LSB value in the range [-8, +8], although in other embodiments other schemes and ranges may be employed. (USP6831507)
$$ As mentioned above, in the present embodiment, the individual keys are grouped in threes, their tips extending across the whole width of the second layer of the composite 51. (USP6965789)
$$ If this is called using the statement `count_fives(?);`, it may match any sequence consisting of a number, followed by that number of fives. (USP6691301)
-->threes, fives, etc.
$$ An alternative to offset-binary is twos-complement binary. (USP6373955): 2の補数
$$ This means that the logic is simplified and qplus 1 which is set when twos complementation is required) does not add to the critical path. (USP7167887)
$$ The 16 thresholds define 17 regions (compare the description of Flash ADC 804 above) and the 16 outputs from comparators 834 are preferably encoded as a twos complement LSB value in the range [-8, +8], although in other embodiments other schemes and ranges may be employed. (USP6831507)
$$ As mentioned above, in the present embodiment, the individual keys are grouped in threes, their tips extending across the whole width of the second layer of the composite 51. (USP6965789)
$$ If this is called using the statement `count_fives(?);`, it may match any sequence consisting of a number, followed by that number of fives. (USP6691301)