車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | sup...
$$ Let it be supposed that nj occurrences of Dj are observed during each time period in which E is true, and that N=Σnj. (USP6381555)
$$ The way in which the microscope shown in FIG. 1 can function confocally may be seen if it is supposed that only the axial point at 2 is illuminated by a diffraction-limited spot of light. / 回折制限される光のスポットによって軸点2のみが照らされると仮定するとき、図1に示される顕微鏡が共焦点的に機能し得る態様が示されるであろう。(USP6429967)
$$ However there is a reluctance to use antimony compounds in polymer formulations for general use, because of the supposed toxicity either of the antimony or of possible impurities such as arsenic. / しかしながら、アンチモンまたは存在しうる不純物、例えばヒ素の想定される毒性の故に、一般使用のためのポリマー配合物においてアンチモン化合物を使用することは好ましくない。(USP6245846)
$$ To achieve this, suppose that one direction of the new link is assigned normal timeslot T1, but is currently operating on auxiliary timeslot A1. (USP02042274)
$$ It has been supposed that the hands-free kit provides protection against radiation into the brain, since the mobile phone casing containing the transmitter can be placed away from the head, for example in a pocket. (USP01027089)
$$ Let it be supposed that nj occurrences of Dj are observed during each time period in which E is true, and that N=Σnj. (USP6381555)
$$ The way in which the microscope shown in FIG. 1 can function confocally may be seen if it is supposed that only the axial point at 2 is illuminated by a diffraction-limited spot of light. / 回折制限される光のスポットによって軸点2のみが照らされると仮定するとき、図1に示される顕微鏡が共焦点的に機能し得る態様が示されるであろう。(USP6429967)
$$ However there is a reluctance to use antimony compounds in polymer formulations for general use, because of the supposed toxicity either of the antimony or of possible impurities such as arsenic. / しかしながら、アンチモンまたは存在しうる不純物、例えばヒ素の想定される毒性の故に、一般使用のためのポリマー配合物においてアンチモン化合物を使用することは好ましくない。(USP6245846)
$$ To achieve this, suppose that one direction of the new link is assigned normal timeslot T1, but is currently operating on auxiliary timeslot A1. (USP02042274)
$$ It has been supposed that the hands-free kit provides protection against radiation into the brain, since the mobile phone casing containing the transmitter can be placed away from the head, for example in a pocket. (USP01027089)