車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | sum...
$$ The RF unit 66 is connected to an analogue card (AN) 68 which performs A-D/D-A conversions, baseband filtering and the vector summation of the various transmitted signals from the modem cards (MCs) 70. / RFユニット66は、AD/DA変換やベースバンド・フィルタリングに加え、モデム・カード(MC)70からの多様な送信信号のベクトル合計を行なうアナログ・カード(AN)68に接続される。(USP02018462)
$$ Beamforming is carried out by computer control of the IF phase together with, in the case of reception, analogue or digital summation of output signals from an array of modules (12). / ビーム形成は、受信時にはモジュール(12)のアレイからの出力信号のアナログまたはデジタル加算を伴う、IF位相のコンピュータ制御により実行される。(USP6441783)
$$ Energy summations for the subareas and generally will give required information. (USP6332029)
$$ A partial coherent summation (25 trace window) of the analytic signal was performed to give the migrated value. (USP5260911)
$$ Details of the initialization and gating to pass the final contents of the summation buffer memories on to the divide boxes are not shown. (USP6263095)
$$ However, scheme (B) is, in fact, an idealised summation of several reactions which occur in practice. / しかし、式(B)は実は実際に起るいくつかの反応を理想的に合計したものである。(USP5436086)
$$ The RF unit 66 is connected to an analogue card (AN) 68 which performs A-D/D-A conversions, baseband filtering and the vector summation of the various transmitted signals from the modem cards (MCs) 70. / RFユニット66は、AD/DA変換やベースバンド・フィルタリングに加え、モデム・カード(MC)70からの多様な送信信号のベクトル合計を行なうアナログ・カード(AN)68に接続される。(USP02018462)
$$ Beamforming is carried out by computer control of the IF phase together with, in the case of reception, analogue or digital summation of output signals from an array of modules (12). / ビーム形成は、受信時にはモジュール(12)のアレイからの出力信号のアナログまたはデジタル加算を伴う、IF位相のコンピュータ制御により実行される。(USP6441783)
$$ Energy summations for the subareas and generally will give required information. (USP6332029)
$$ A partial coherent summation (25 trace window) of the analytic signal was performed to give the migrated value. (USP5260911)
$$ Details of the initialization and gating to pass the final contents of the summation buffer memories on to the divide boxes are not shown. (USP6263095)
$$ However, scheme (B) is, in fact, an idealised summation of several reactions which occur in practice. / しかし、式(B)は実は実際に起るいくつかの反応を理想的に合計したものである。(USP5436086)