車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | shape
$$ Also preferred sites for transducer means of substantially elliptical shapes of members hereof are off-centre and off major and minor axes. (USP6332029): 楕円形
$$ The phase control means 6 depicted in FIG. 9 has a linear shape on the input-side of the AWG and a parabolic shape on the output-side of the AWG, to impress a parabolic phase deviation on the wavefront. / 図9に図示した位相制御手段6は、AWGの入力側に線形の形状を有し且つAWGの出力側に放物線状の形状を有し、放物線状の位相偏差を波先に付与する。(USP6339664)
$$ Each reference object 430 is fabricated from a highly dimensionally stable alumina ceramic material, and has a precisely machined cylindrical shape having an accurately known respective diameter. / 各基準物体430は高度に寸法的に安定したアルミナセラミック物質から造られ、そして正確に既知の夫々の直径をもつ正確に機械加工された円柱形状をもつ。(USP7577286)
$$ In particular, a widening gap between the second edge 222 of the racetrack 206 and the trailing edge 220 of pallet no. 1 200 is mitigated by pallet no. 2 202 having a wedge shape. / 特に、競争路206の第2縁部222と第1パレット200の後縁部220の間で広がった隙間は、くさび形の第2パレット202により緩和される。(USP7090586):名詞の形容詞的用法
$$ However for some applications a cylindrical shape may be an unsuitable starting material. / しかしいくつかの用途のために、筒形形状は不適切な原料である。(USP6763682)
$$ Referring now to FIG. 2, the VFO field data read signal 20 is shown having an approximately sinusoidal shape of amplitude X Volts and period 2πt seconds. / 図2において、VFO磁界データ読み取り信号20は、ほぼ正弦曲線状のx電圧の振幅と2πt秒の周期を有している。(USP6114879)
$$ Also preferred sites for transducer means of substantially elliptical shapes of members hereof are off-centre and off major and minor axes. (USP6332029): 楕円形
$$ The phase control means 6 depicted in FIG. 9 has a linear shape on the input-side of the AWG and a parabolic shape on the output-side of the AWG, to impress a parabolic phase deviation on the wavefront. / 図9に図示した位相制御手段6は、AWGの入力側に線形の形状を有し且つAWGの出力側に放物線状の形状を有し、放物線状の位相偏差を波先に付与する。(USP6339664)
$$ Each reference object 430 is fabricated from a highly dimensionally stable alumina ceramic material, and has a precisely machined cylindrical shape having an accurately known respective diameter. / 各基準物体430は高度に寸法的に安定したアルミナセラミック物質から造られ、そして正確に既知の夫々の直径をもつ正確に機械加工された円柱形状をもつ。(USP7577286)
$$ In particular, a widening gap between the second edge 222 of the racetrack 206 and the trailing edge 220 of pallet no. 1 200 is mitigated by pallet no. 2 202 having a wedge shape. / 特に、競争路206の第2縁部222と第1パレット200の後縁部220の間で広がった隙間は、くさび形の第2パレット202により緩和される。(USP7090586):名詞の形容詞的用法
$$ However for some applications a cylindrical shape may be an unsuitable starting material. / しかしいくつかの用途のために、筒形形状は不適切な原料である。(USP6763682)
$$ Referring now to FIG. 2, the VFO field data read signal 20 is shown having an approximately sinusoidal shape of amplitude X Volts and period 2πt seconds. / 図2において、VFO磁界データ読み取り信号20は、ほぼ正弦曲線状のx電圧の振幅と2πt秒の周期を有している。(USP6114879)