現在の読者数 50人



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$$ Between the lenses 55 and 56 is disposed a neutral density filter 55 whose function is to reduce the intensity of light exiting via ocular 55 to be generally the same as that exiting from the ocular 38, thereby compensating for the light diverted by the splitter 41. (USP5018846) ~ sth to be (頻度小)

$$ Moreover, it is desirable to carry out the processing on the moving platform rather than at an earth station, to reduce the volume and rate of data transmitted down to earth. (USP4879559)

$$ The second article of headwear may reduce scalp temperatures down to 0℃ and may be effective to maintain the scalp temperature below plus 17℃ for at least three quarters of an hour. (USP5897581)

$$ This can reduce the levels of CO from 1-2% down to below 100 ppm. / このことにより、CO量を1~2%減から100ppm未満にまで削減することができる。(USP6855452)

$$ However while it reduces to an extent the number of ineffectives on the network, a significant number remain. / このアプローチではネットワーク上の無駄な呼数をある程度低減するが、相当数はそのままである。(USP6330313)

$$ It will be seen that if P=C=1, this formula reduces to the one given earlier. / P=C=1のとき、この式は上述のものに帰着することがわかる。(USP6539228)

$$ As any object concealed under clothing on the body will have a temperature very close to that of the body, TO =TB, and as ε+r+t=1, Equation 1 reduces to; / 身体に付けられている衣類の下に隠されている物体は、身体のそれに非常に近い温度を有するので、TO=TBであり、またε+r+t=1であるので、式1は下記のような形になる: (USP6453224)

$$ The V-shaped central portion of the through passageway enables the sensor housing to be reduced in overall size so that it can be more readily packaged into a beverage dispense system.(USP01025858)

$$ ...in which the further manufacturing steps for forming the thin-film transistor are reduced in number...(USP5930609)

$$ Both the storage and computation times using this template are reduced in the ratio 100:65,536 over the use of the full image. ~に減 (USP4805223)

$$ Similarly, the threshold above which a received iris code and a historic iris code are deemed to be similar might be reduced from two percent to one percent.(USP6549118)

$$ More particularly, the fat content can be reduced from about 26-38 grams for a fried doughnut to about 8 to 17 grams of fat for the baked doughnut of the present invention.(USP01031300)

$$ The sintering time was reduced from 2 hours to about 10 minutes. / 焼結時間は2時間から約10分まで短縮された。(USP01004075)

$$ The effect of the halo is to reduce the density of the image on film so that the area on the film appears to be less black, i.e. greyer, than it should be. / ハローによりフィルム上の画像の濃度は減じられるので、フィルム上の領域はそうあるべき状態より黒さが少なく、すなわちより灰色に見える。(USP5453842)


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