車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | rec...
$$ The AVC 32 therefore recognises the message [ACT.V+] as one of the second subset (activate repeat key). / 従って、AVC32は第2サブセット(繰り返しキーの作動)の1つとしてメッセージ[ACT.V+]を認識する。(USP5479385)
$$ The serial interface 52 recognises the message as being intended for the controllable unit by recognising that the zero bit field of the address field 60-3 is set. / 連続インターフェイス52はアドレスフィールド60-3のゼロビットフィールドが設定されたことを認識することによって、該メッセージが可制御ユニットに向けられているのだと認識する。(USP5537605)
$$ However, the key is recognised as a repeat key (command number 68, Table 1), so that a repetitive series of volume up commands has to be inferred. / しかし、キーは繰り返しキーとして認識され(表1の指令番号68)、従ってボリュームアップ指令の繰り返しシリーズが推定されるべきである。(USP5479385)
$$ Thus, at the conclusion of step 2006, those boxes containing text which is recognised as corresponding to entities already stored at the server 200 are replaced by links to those entities at the server 200.(USP6446081)
$$ The mobile 6 recognises the message as SMS data and passes it to a SIM card 7, which is a small self-contained microprocessor, held in a slot in the mobile 6.(USP6453167)
$$ The inventor recognized that this would operate perfectly to accomplish his objectives.(USP02018284)
$$ The next time the glue is told to interpret from 3000, it will recognise that there is a compiled version of B2.(USP02029357)
$$ However, it is recognised that other coolants may offer improved performance.(USP02036225)
$$ The AVC 32 therefore recognises the message [ACT.V+] as one of the second subset (activate repeat key). / 従って、AVC32は第2サブセット(繰り返しキーの作動)の1つとしてメッセージ[ACT.V+]を認識する。(USP5479385)
$$ The serial interface 52 recognises the message as being intended for the controllable unit by recognising that the zero bit field of the address field 60-3 is set. / 連続インターフェイス52はアドレスフィールド60-3のゼロビットフィールドが設定されたことを認識することによって、該メッセージが可制御ユニットに向けられているのだと認識する。(USP5537605)
$$ However, the key is recognised as a repeat key (command number 68, Table 1), so that a repetitive series of volume up commands has to be inferred. / しかし、キーは繰り返しキーとして認識され(表1の指令番号68)、従ってボリュームアップ指令の繰り返しシリーズが推定されるべきである。(USP5479385)
$$ Thus, at the conclusion of step 2006, those boxes containing text which is recognised as corresponding to entities already stored at the server 200 are replaced by links to those entities at the server 200.(USP6446081)
$$ The mobile 6 recognises the message as SMS data and passes it to a SIM card 7, which is a small self-contained microprocessor, held in a slot in the mobile 6.(USP6453167)
$$ The inventor recognized that this would operate perfectly to accomplish his objectives.(USP02018284)
$$ The next time the glue is told to interpret from 3000, it will recognise that there is a compiled version of B2.(USP02029357)
$$ However, it is recognised that other coolants may offer improved performance.(USP02036225)