車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | pra...
$$ The described three point locking bolting mechanism embodiment of the invention is of course only one example of a way in which the invention can be put to practical use, and many variations will be apparent to the person skilled in the art. (USP6478345)
$$ The prime function of the additive is to provide the particular activity desired in the formulation in practical use. / 添加剤の主要な機能は、実際の使用における処方に望ましい特定の活性を与えることである。(USP7285519)
$$ Clearly this has not been practical, since a slice of this thickness is not sufficiently durable to survive the manufacturing process. / 明らかに、これは実用的ではない。というのは、この厚さのスライスでは製造工程を通して機械的強度に不足を来すからである。(USP5429953)
$$ During practical use of the system, a surgeon will need to deliver less energy to achieve a therapeutic effect than if a conventional, continuous, bipolar r.f. output was used.(USP02052599)
$$ Although only two banks of tunnels are shown in FIG. 1, in practical use, several such banks of tunnels can be provided at successively higher levels in the hopper.(USP01008076)
$$ However, these pressure-sensitive adhesive masses have some disadvantages limiting their practical use to a great extent. (USP7071256)
$$ The described three point locking bolting mechanism embodiment of the invention is of course only one example of a way in which the invention can be put to practical use, and many variations will be apparent to the person skilled in the art. (USP6478345)
$$ The prime function of the additive is to provide the particular activity desired in the formulation in practical use. / 添加剤の主要な機能は、実際の使用における処方に望ましい特定の活性を与えることである。(USP7285519)
$$ Clearly this has not been practical, since a slice of this thickness is not sufficiently durable to survive the manufacturing process. / 明らかに、これは実用的ではない。というのは、この厚さのスライスでは製造工程を通して機械的強度に不足を来すからである。(USP5429953)
$$ During practical use of the system, a surgeon will need to deliver less energy to achieve a therapeutic effect than if a conventional, continuous, bipolar r.f. output was used.(USP02052599)
$$ Although only two banks of tunnels are shown in FIG. 1, in practical use, several such banks of tunnels can be provided at successively higher levels in the hopper.(USP01008076)
$$ However, these pressure-sensitive adhesive masses have some disadvantages limiting their practical use to a great extent. (USP7071256)