車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | ne...
NEITHER...NOR これらの後に続く名詞は単数の場合が多い
$$ This provides the advantage that the time for which the detector is idle i.e. monitoring neither scene nor reference is reduced to the time taken to switch between these two configurations only. / これは、検知器が休止している時間、すなわちシーンも基準も監視していない時間を、これら2つの構成間の切り換えのみに要する時間にまで減少するという利点を提供する。(USP6175113)
$$ In FIG. 51A, neither sections 511 nor 512 are activated. / 図51Aでは、セクション511も512も活性化されていない。(USP6833656)
$$ Neither spermidine nor L-arginine individually produced a reduction in damage (see Table 1). / スペルミジンもL-アルギニンも、別々では損傷低減を生じなかった(表1参照)。(USP6797699)
$$ The abstract is neither intended to define the invention of the application, which is measured by the claims, nor is it intended to be limiting as to the scope of the invention in any way. (USP6098298)
$$ Thus repeatability will be questionable and some interoperative variation must occur since stimulus intensity and duration are neither precisely controlled nor controllable. (USP7625087)
$$ In UMTS, these cells are neither in CELL_INFO_LIST nor in the active set. (USP7184760)
NEITHER...NOR これらの後に続く名詞は単数の場合が多い
$$ This provides the advantage that the time for which the detector is idle i.e. monitoring neither scene nor reference is reduced to the time taken to switch between these two configurations only. / これは、検知器が休止している時間、すなわちシーンも基準も監視していない時間を、これら2つの構成間の切り換えのみに要する時間にまで減少するという利点を提供する。(USP6175113)
$$ In FIG. 51A, neither sections 511 nor 512 are activated. / 図51Aでは、セクション511も512も活性化されていない。(USP6833656)
$$ Neither spermidine nor L-arginine individually produced a reduction in damage (see Table 1). / スペルミジンもL-アルギニンも、別々では損傷低減を生じなかった(表1参照)。(USP6797699)
$$ The abstract is neither intended to define the invention of the application, which is measured by the claims, nor is it intended to be limiting as to the scope of the invention in any way. (USP6098298)
$$ Thus repeatability will be questionable and some interoperative variation must occur since stimulus intensity and duration are neither precisely controlled nor controllable. (USP7625087)
$$ In UMTS, these cells are neither in CELL_INFO_LIST nor in the active set. (USP7184760)