車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | like
$$ FIG. 8 illustrates a lens arrangement like that of FIG. 1 except that it is arranged to form a reduced image. / 第8図は、縮小像を形成するように構成されている点を除き第1図のレンズ構成と同じレンズ構成を示す。(USP6097541)
$$ The problem of mesh adaptation, like that of mesh formation, will normally be a mathematically hard problem given the enormous number of potential links that will exist given a typical set of (unconnected) nodes and... (USP02042274)
$$ For low levels of ambient noise, this embodiment behaves like that of FIG. 8b or FIG. 8a (depending upon the time constants of the rectifiers 8a, 8b). (USP6370254)
$$ The structure could be formed from two or more continuous members extending coaxially along the minor axis, perhaps forming a double helix like that of DNA. / この構造は、短軸にそって同軸上に延びる2つまたはそれ以上の連続部材から形成することができ、たぶん、DNAのような二重スパイラルを形成するであろう。 (USP6833656)
$$ A pulse corresponding to a fracture event typically takes the form of a wave packet like that shown in FIG. 3. / 破断事象に対応しているパルスは、図3に示したような波束の形式をとっている。(USP6826982)
$$ Referring now in particular to FIG. 4, there is shown a scheme for housing a machine having a stator like that described above and for supplying and exhausting coolant, preferably air, to and from duct sections at the top of the machine. (USP6815848)
$$ This threshold, like that used in the threshold test, is normalized as a fraction of the range of magnitudes within the correlation surface. (USP5027203)
$$ This is a high voltage configuration that, when used, generates an acoustic signature typically like that depicted in FIG. 6. (USP6771565)
$$ FIG. 8 illustrates a lens arrangement like that of FIG. 1 except that it is arranged to form a reduced image. / 第8図は、縮小像を形成するように構成されている点を除き第1図のレンズ構成と同じレンズ構成を示す。(USP6097541)
$$ The problem of mesh adaptation, like that of mesh formation, will normally be a mathematically hard problem given the enormous number of potential links that will exist given a typical set of (unconnected) nodes and... (USP02042274)
$$ For low levels of ambient noise, this embodiment behaves like that of FIG. 8b or FIG. 8a (depending upon the time constants of the rectifiers 8a, 8b). (USP6370254)
$$ The structure could be formed from two or more continuous members extending coaxially along the minor axis, perhaps forming a double helix like that of DNA. / この構造は、短軸にそって同軸上に延びる2つまたはそれ以上の連続部材から形成することができ、たぶん、DNAのような二重スパイラルを形成するであろう。 (USP6833656)
$$ A pulse corresponding to a fracture event typically takes the form of a wave packet like that shown in FIG. 3. / 破断事象に対応しているパルスは、図3に示したような波束の形式をとっている。(USP6826982)
$$ Referring now in particular to FIG. 4, there is shown a scheme for housing a machine having a stator like that described above and for supplying and exhausting coolant, preferably air, to and from duct sections at the top of the machine. (USP6815848)
$$ This threshold, like that used in the threshold test, is normalized as a fraction of the range of magnitudes within the correlation surface. (USP5027203)
$$ This is a high voltage configuration that, when used, generates an acoustic signature typically like that depicted in FIG. 6. (USP6771565)