車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | ins...
$$ The probe will not respond instantaneously to a change in sample characteristics and so there is an inherent time delay between, for example, the probe encountering a region of the sample surface with increased height and the system reacting to it. / プローブは試料の特性の変化に瞬時に応答することはできず、例えば高さが高くなる試料表面の領域に出くわすプローブとそれに応答するシステムとの間の固有の時間遅延がある。(USP7596989)
$$ This is because the fax protocol is essentially a uni-directional protocol; ie it will not allow the GIRAFF 220 to Instantaneously transmit a fax message to the terminal 100 in response to its fax misdial. / これは、ファックスプロトコルが本質的に一方向性プロトコルであるからであり;ゆえにGIRAFF220がファックスのミスダイヤルに応答してファックスメッセージを端末100へ即座に送ることはできない。(USP6775249)
$$ One the scheduling data has been stored in the RAM the information relating thereto is available effectively instantaneously for display on the TV. / スケジューリング・データをRAMに記憶すると、それに関する情報を効果的かつ即座にTVに表示することができる。(USP02042917)
$$ The gas pressure is assumed to act on the fluid until the accumulator is fully discharged, when the pressure falls (instantaneously) to a low, or zero pressure. / 気体圧は、アキュムレータが完全に排気され、圧力が(即座に)低圧またはゼロ圧に降下するまで、流体に作用するものと仮定される。(USP6132010)
$$ The buffer also affects the ability of the methods to respond to instantaneously changing channel bandwidths. (USP6990246)
$$ Electrical systems can operate over greater distances/deeper levels, transmit emergency signals instantaneously, such as to shut down a part of a seabed sub-system, and are cheaper to manufacture and maintain. (USP6873063)
$$ The pilot arc current can be increased to its high level in one step (substantially instantaneously). (USP6566625)
$$ The probe will not respond instantaneously to a change in sample characteristics and so there is an inherent time delay between, for example, the probe encountering a region of the sample surface with increased height and the system reacting to it. / プローブは試料の特性の変化に瞬時に応答することはできず、例えば高さが高くなる試料表面の領域に出くわすプローブとそれに応答するシステムとの間の固有の時間遅延がある。(USP7596989)
$$ This is because the fax protocol is essentially a uni-directional protocol; ie it will not allow the GIRAFF 220 to Instantaneously transmit a fax message to the terminal 100 in response to its fax misdial. / これは、ファックスプロトコルが本質的に一方向性プロトコルであるからであり;ゆえにGIRAFF220がファックスのミスダイヤルに応答してファックスメッセージを端末100へ即座に送ることはできない。(USP6775249)
$$ One the scheduling data has been stored in the RAM the information relating thereto is available effectively instantaneously for display on the TV. / スケジューリング・データをRAMに記憶すると、それに関する情報を効果的かつ即座にTVに表示することができる。(USP02042917)
$$ The gas pressure is assumed to act on the fluid until the accumulator is fully discharged, when the pressure falls (instantaneously) to a low, or zero pressure. / 気体圧は、アキュムレータが完全に排気され、圧力が(即座に)低圧またはゼロ圧に降下するまで、流体に作用するものと仮定される。(USP6132010)
$$ The buffer also affects the ability of the methods to respond to instantaneously changing channel bandwidths. (USP6990246)
$$ Electrical systems can operate over greater distances/deeper levels, transmit emergency signals instantaneously, such as to shut down a part of a seabed sub-system, and are cheaper to manufacture and maintain. (USP6873063)
$$ The pilot arc current can be increased to its high level in one step (substantially instantaneously). (USP6566625)