車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | am...
"amount with which"のパターンの使用頻度は低い
$$ The amount by which the jaws protrude through the end of the jaw housing is determined by the distance from the end of the jaw housing to the inside of the nose tip. / ジョー・ハウジングの端部からのジョーの突出量は、ジョー・ハウジングの端部からノーズ・チップの内側までの距離によって決定される。(USP8161622)
$$ The maximum amount by which the actuator will move before locking is designed to be a small and acceptable amount. / ロック前にアクチュエータが移動する最大量は、少量で許容可能な量に設計される。(USP8118276)
$$ A problem with machining a single stringer is that the amount by which the stringer can be modified is limited. / 1本のストリンガの機械加工に伴う問題はストリンガを修正できる量が制限される点である。(USP8091830)
$$ In other words the duration of a bit in the input optical signal is the same as the amount by which successive channels are increasingly delayed. / 換言すれば、入力光信号における1ビットの期間は、相次ぐチャンネルが次第に遅れる量と同じである。(USP8078663)
$$ The biasing processor 28 is provided to scale the adjustment factors by the biasing constants α1, α2, α3 in order to control an amount by which the adjustment factors move the pixels within the RGB-reference space. / 調整係数バイアス回路28は、バイアス定数α1,α2,α3を用いて調整係数をスケーリングすることにより、調整係数がRGB空間内で画素を移動させる量を制御する。(USP6614489)
$$ Excess delay field--the amount by which the installed end-to-end delay bound currently exceeds the desired end-to-end delay bound. / ・excess delay field(超過遅延フィールド)―インストールされた二端点間遅延範囲が所望の二端点間遅延を現在超えた量。(USP6163807)
$$ The strength of the input signal 31 is measured to determine the amount by which it exceeds a signal strength corresponding to the onset of substantial non linear behaviour by the amplifier. (USP7639077)
$$ Reduction--limit represents the maximum amount by which the bit rate may be reduced at any update on an I or P frame. (USP6983015)
$$ The communications device 18 may emit an audible tone whose frequency or amplitude may vary with the severity of the amount by which the driver is exceeding the current speed limit. (USP6606033)
$$ It will be appreciated that the amount by which the valve is open determines the regulation of the gas supply. (USP5746245)
$$ The amount by which the intensity of a pixel must increase from one frame to the next in order for the arbitration procedure to be employed is arbitrary. (USP5296930)
"amount with which"のパターンの使用頻度は低い
$$ The amount by which the jaws protrude through the end of the jaw housing is determined by the distance from the end of the jaw housing to the inside of the nose tip. / ジョー・ハウジングの端部からのジョーの突出量は、ジョー・ハウジングの端部からノーズ・チップの内側までの距離によって決定される。(USP8161622)
$$ The maximum amount by which the actuator will move before locking is designed to be a small and acceptable amount. / ロック前にアクチュエータが移動する最大量は、少量で許容可能な量に設計される。(USP8118276)
$$ A problem with machining a single stringer is that the amount by which the stringer can be modified is limited. / 1本のストリンガの機械加工に伴う問題はストリンガを修正できる量が制限される点である。(USP8091830)
$$ In other words the duration of a bit in the input optical signal is the same as the amount by which successive channels are increasingly delayed. / 換言すれば、入力光信号における1ビットの期間は、相次ぐチャンネルが次第に遅れる量と同じである。(USP8078663)
$$ The biasing processor 28 is provided to scale the adjustment factors by the biasing constants α1, α2, α3 in order to control an amount by which the adjustment factors move the pixels within the RGB-reference space. / 調整係数バイアス回路28は、バイアス定数α1,α2,α3を用いて調整係数をスケーリングすることにより、調整係数がRGB空間内で画素を移動させる量を制御する。(USP6614489)
$$ Excess delay field--the amount by which the installed end-to-end delay bound currently exceeds the desired end-to-end delay bound. / ・excess delay field(超過遅延フィールド)―インストールされた二端点間遅延範囲が所望の二端点間遅延を現在超えた量。(USP6163807)
$$ The strength of the input signal 31 is measured to determine the amount by which it exceeds a signal strength corresponding to the onset of substantial non linear behaviour by the amplifier. (USP7639077)
$$ Reduction--limit represents the maximum amount by which the bit rate may be reduced at any update on an I or P frame. (USP6983015)
$$ The communications device 18 may emit an audible tone whose frequency or amplitude may vary with the severity of the amount by which the driver is exceeding the current speed limit. (USP6606033)
$$ It will be appreciated that the amount by which the valve is open determines the regulation of the gas supply. (USP5746245)
$$ The amount by which the intensity of a pixel must increase from one frame to the next in order for the arbitration procedure to be employed is arbitrary. (USP5296930)
AMONG OTHER STHS 中でも・数あるなかでも・特に・とりわけ
AMONG OTHER STHS 中でも・数あるなかでも・特に・とりわけ