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DURING ~ sth; ~ a/the period when; --> ~ ~ing (of); ~ which
$$ As described above it is desirable for the delivery tube to be disconnected from the rivet setting tool during the riveting operation and to have an intermediate buffer magazine of rivets at the nose 8. / 上記したように、分配チューブが、リベット止めするオペレーションの間はリベット・セッティング・ツールから分離され、ノーズ8に、リベットの中間バッファー・マガジンを有していることが、望ましい。(USP6692213)
$$ Preferably no oscillation of the impermeable substrate 13 is allowed to take place during manufacture. / 製造の間は、不浸透性基板13の振動が起こらないことが好ましい。(USP6616803)
$$ During the existence of one frequency plan, each base station has its own allocation of channels, which remains the same throughout the life of the plan. / 1つの周波数計画が存在している間、各基地局は自身のチャンネル割り当てをもち、このチャンネル割り当ては計画の寿命の間はずっと同じである。(USP6539228)
$$ FIG. 16 details an example of data produced during the process illustrated in FIG. 15; / 図16は、図15において示されたプロセス中に生成されたデータの一例を詳細に示している。(USP6182079)
$$ Assuming that the power density required for heating remains constant during the process, equation (2) implies that the electric field strength in the material must fall away rapidly with increasing temperature. / 加熱に要する電力密度がプロセスの間一定であると仮定すると、式(2)は材料の電界強度が温度上昇と共に急速に低下しなければならないことを意味する。(USP01004075)
$$ Also, during the time in which the sampling of antennas is taking place the performance of the receiver is not optimised. (USP5742911)
$$ All the addresses in the SRAM are therefore addressed once during the time that the high speed oscillator 20 is enabled (the data inversion phase). (USP6236600)
$$ That is, oftentimes, users only need access to the memory for a short period of time, so it would be highly inefficient to totally dedicate portions of the memory block to particular users even during times when such users are not requesting access to the memory. (USP6256645)
$$ Also, a speaker's voice may vary between recording sessions or even during a recording session. (USP6175821)
$$ If non-volatile memory is provided, then this data can be retained during a period when no power is supplied to the memory. / その時、もし不揮発性メモリが用いられる場合は、このデータは、該メモリへ電力が供給されていない期間にも保持されうる。(USP6058304)
$$ The first function preferably includes putting the telephone off hook only during the period when an incoming call is detected. / 第1の機能は、入呼びが検出される周期中にのみ電話をオフフック状態に入れるのが好ましい。(USP6282436)
DURING ~ sth; ~ a/the period when; --> ~ ~ing (of); ~ which
$$ As described above it is desirable for the delivery tube to be disconnected from the rivet setting tool during the riveting operation and to have an intermediate buffer magazine of rivets at the nose 8. / 上記したように、分配チューブが、リベット止めするオペレーションの間はリベット・セッティング・ツールから分離され、ノーズ8に、リベットの中間バッファー・マガジンを有していることが、望ましい。(USP6692213)
$$ Preferably no oscillation of the impermeable substrate 13 is allowed to take place during manufacture. / 製造の間は、不浸透性基板13の振動が起こらないことが好ましい。(USP6616803)
$$ During the existence of one frequency plan, each base station has its own allocation of channels, which remains the same throughout the life of the plan. / 1つの周波数計画が存在している間、各基地局は自身のチャンネル割り当てをもち、このチャンネル割り当ては計画の寿命の間はずっと同じである。(USP6539228)
$$ FIG. 16 details an example of data produced during the process illustrated in FIG. 15; / 図16は、図15において示されたプロセス中に生成されたデータの一例を詳細に示している。(USP6182079)
$$ Assuming that the power density required for heating remains constant during the process, equation (2) implies that the electric field strength in the material must fall away rapidly with increasing temperature. / 加熱に要する電力密度がプロセスの間一定であると仮定すると、式(2)は材料の電界強度が温度上昇と共に急速に低下しなければならないことを意味する。(USP01004075)
$$ Also, during the time in which the sampling of antennas is taking place the performance of the receiver is not optimised. (USP5742911)
$$ All the addresses in the SRAM are therefore addressed once during the time that the high speed oscillator 20 is enabled (the data inversion phase). (USP6236600)
$$ That is, oftentimes, users only need access to the memory for a short period of time, so it would be highly inefficient to totally dedicate portions of the memory block to particular users even during times when such users are not requesting access to the memory. (USP6256645)
$$ Also, a speaker's voice may vary between recording sessions or even during a recording session. (USP6175821)
$$ If non-volatile memory is provided, then this data can be retained during a period when no power is supplied to the memory. / その時、もし不揮発性メモリが用いられる場合は、このデータは、該メモリへ電力が供給されていない期間にも保持されうる。(USP6058304)
$$ The first function preferably includes putting the telephone off hook only during the period when an incoming call is detected. / 第1の機能は、入呼びが検出される周期中にのみ電話をオフフック状態に入れるのが好ましい。(USP6282436)