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COMPARISON ~ between/with

"comparison among" は特許明細書での使用は少ないが、その中では出願人が日本人であるものも多く見うけられる。

$$ This signal is fed into a control device 150, which uses the signal to provide a comparison between the current pressure in the chamber 160 and the desired pressure. / この信号は、制御装置150に送り込まれ、制御装置150は、信号を室160の中の現在の圧力と、所望圧力との比較を行うのに使用する。(USP7614844)

$$ Similarly, values for g3, V03 can be established, either by relative comparison between channel 1 and channel 3, or channel 2 and channel 3 (channel "already having been relative-calibrated relative to channel 1" vs new uncalibrated channel). / 同様に、チャネル1とチャネル3、またはチャネル2とチャネル3の間(「すでにチャネル1との関連で相対的に較正された」チャネル対新たな未較正のチャネル)の相対比較のいずれかによってg3、V03に関する値を確立することができる。(USP6900756)

$$ The alpha test conditionally rejects a fragment based on the comparison between a reference alpha value and one associated with the fragment. (USP5727192)

$$ An initial comparison between the particular MCS fragment AB and the molecules in the data set is made by calculating the mass of the MCS fragment AB and the molecules in the data set. (USP02062307)

$$ This process allows a comparison between a hash encoding of any later copy of the document, transaction or statement and the hash encoding created at the time of affirmation. (USP6091835)

$$ In comparison for green, the overall transmission band would require positioning between 0.5×10.sup.-6 m and 0.56×10.sup.-6 m. / 緑色について比較すると、総透過バンドは、0.5×10-6mと0.56×10-6mとの間の位置決めを必要とする。(USP6631033)

$$ General comparisons between liquid crystal display and cathode ray tube technologies have previously been made in the field of display apparatus for flight simulation. (USP6735015)

$$ This provides a means of validating preparations of biotin tyramine, and allows comparison between different batches. (USP6489123)

$$ A simple comparison between the two signals is sufficient to establish whether or not the viewer may view a program. (USP4802215)

$$ This means that it contains the required parity and other information for comparison to be made between two paths. / これは、トラヒックが比較のための必要とされるパリティおよび他の情報を含んでいて、二つの経路の間につくられることを意味している。(USP5533005)

$$ As a result microwave heating systems will only be described here in summary so as to allow a comparison with RF heating systems. / その結果、ここではマイクロ波加熱システムについては、RF加熱システムとの比較を可能にするために要約して説明するに留める。(USP01004075)

$$ To facilitate comparison with a standard NTSC video frequency spectrum, the frequencies along the frequency scale of FIG. 3 (-1.25 MHz to 4.5 MHz) are referenced to the 0.0 MHz frequency location of the RF picture carrier in an NTSC system. / 標準のNTSCビデオ周波数スペクトルとの比較を容易にするために、図3の周波数目盛りに沿う周波数(-1.25MHz~4.5MHz)は、NTSCシステムにおけるRF画像搬送波の0.0 MHz周波数位置に基準付けられている。(USP5313279)



 比較級+COMPARED (2020-01-27 08:00)
 COMPARISON OF (2017-07-22 08:00)
 COMPARING A WITH B (2011-01-23 08:00)
 COMPARED BETWEEN / WITH / TO (2011-01-22 08:00)
 COMPARE SOMETHINGS (2011-01-21 08:00)
 COMPARE AGAINST (2011-01-20 08:00)
