現在の読者数 43人



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$$ However, this method requires that the signals 3 are received from more than one satellite if an unambiguous measurement is to be achieved. / しかしながら、この方法では、正確な測定を行う場合、信号3が2個以上の衛星から受信されることが必要である。(USP01046481)

$$ However (as described below), frame concealment requires that certain data elements in the previous and next frame are error-free. / しかし、(後述のように)フレーム隠蔽には、前及び後のフレームにおける幾つかのデータ要素にエラーがないことが要件となる。(USP5353059)

$$ Sensitive signals should be placed on the lower conductive layers so that any attempt to interfere with them will require to cut through many other layers of metal and render the chip inoperative. (USP01037458)

$$ During operation of the invention, it may be that a range of sectors may require to be updated in the WMR partition 3. (USP6684309)

$$ Each of the chips 14 that requires to receive data from the waveguide includes a photodiode, which receives the optical signals from its adjacent portion of the waveguide and converts these to electrical signals for processing by the circuits within the chip. / 光導波管構造からのデータ受信を要求する各チップ14は、フォトダイオード26を含んでおり、これは、光導波管構造の各チップに隣接する部分から光信号を受信し、そして受信した信号をチップ内の回路による処理のため電気信号に変換する。(USP5408567)

$$ When an input port server requires to send a burst, it thus first sends a reservation across the switch network to the output port server. / 入力ポートサーバがバーストの送信を要求する場合、最初にスイッチネットワークを介して出力ポートサーバに予約信号を送出する。(USP5448559)

$$ For the connection of standard computers, which require to communicate with each other, then the ATM device chain described above may not be appropriate.(USP6118782)

$$ In an example, a drive unit requiring to be loaded by six liters of air may have four liters behind the drive unit communicating with two liters behind the sound mirror so that they together provide the required loading volume. / 例えば、ドライブユニットが6リットルの空気による反響負荷を必要とする場合には、ドライブユニットの後方の4リットルを音響ミラーの後方の2リットルと結合せしめ、所要の負荷容積を得るようにする。(USP5537480)

$$ This enables controllable units which internally require different data widths to be incorporated into the connection protocol. / これにより内部的に異なるデータ幅を必要とする可制御ユニットを接続プロトコールに編入することが可能となる。(USP5537605)




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$$ It is to be noted that these results meet Stag IV requirements also, with the exception of NOx. / これらの結果は、NOxを除いて、ステージIVの必要条件も満たしていることが分かる。(USP6889498)

$$ Connectors at each end allow electrical connection between all modules to be effected for power and intercommunication requirements. / 各端にあるコネクタがすべてのモジュールの電気接続を行って動力・相互連絡要件を満たすようになっている。(USP6031371)

$$ This is due to the requirement for paper stock to flow around the thread and form complete paper areas on the front of the thread in the finished document. / これは、製紙原料が糸の周囲を流れて完成した証券では糸の前部で完全な紙領域を形成するという要求によるものである。(USP6616803)

$$ To this end there is a requirement to detect and convert illegal colour pixels of a video image into legal colour pixels. / このため、ビデオ画像内の規格外の色画素を検出し、規格内の色画素に変換する必要がある。(USP6614489)

$$ This requirement is more important than the completeness of the data. / この要求はデータの完全性よりも重要である。(USP6584098)

$$ There is also a saving in the amount of processing required in the AVC 32. / またAVC32に要求された処理の量も節約される。(USP5479385)

$$ The delivery of the light to the eye E must fulfil several requirements. (USP7284863)

$$ Thus, the data storage requirements are considerably reduced. (USP7225063)

$$ The number of sampling points per pixel will of course be selected to suit the particular performance requirements of the system. (USP5338200)

$$ These requirements are better achieved by the use of one or more Fresnel, lenticular, or holographic lenses as lenses 13 in FIG. 2. (USP7177050)

$$ The present invention enables these requirements to be met. (USP7025484)

$$ It can be seen that these two requirements conflict. (USP7564984)

$$ Moving stage lights are often particularly sensitive to such requirements. (USP6682031)

$$ This reduces costs and installation requirements. (USP6480524)

$$ No special requirements are imposed on the loop manufacturing accuracy. (USP6304015)


RESEARCH (名詞, 動詞)


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$$ A further example is found in musculoskeletal tissue research. / さらなる例は筋骨格組織研究に見出される。(USP8243269)

$$ Grid computing is used extensively for parallel processing particularly in scientific research. / グリッドコンピューティングは、特に科学研究における並列処理に広範囲に使用される。(USP8150905)

$$ The various factors affecting luminescence have been well researched and are well understood. / 発光に影響を及ぼす様々なファクターが十分に調査されており、良く理解されている。(USP8066944)

$$ Informed consent of the patients was requested for use of anonymised images for research purposes. / 研究目的で匿名画像として使用するに際しては、患者に対するインフォームドコンセントが必要とされた。(USP7643670)

$$ In the 1980's, there was extensive research into lithium metal rechargeable batteries, particularly using sulphides, but also selenides, as cathode materials. / 1980年代に、カソード材料として特に硫化物だけではなくセレン化物を使用する再充電型リチウム金属バッテリーの研究が広範囲に行われた。(USP7018603)

$$ These applications can be used in biological research activities, in discovery and development of drugs, and as diagnostic tests. (USP7084980)

$$ Ground vehicle driving simulators fall into two simple categories, namely those used for training and those used for research. (USP6735015)

$$ Its meaning is dependent upon whether there is a research hit tagged as Equal. (USP6052693)

$$ These values can be stored to provide evidence, or used in research. (USP5774571)




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$$ A collimated light source has the effect of generating high and low points in the viewer's image and this closely resembles the natural lighting effects associated with `sparkle`. / 平行光線化された光源は、見る人の影像に高低の点を生成するという効果をもち、これは「スパークル」と関連した自然照明効果に非常に似ている。(USP6433483)

$$ Peptides or peptide mimetics that resemble important regions of components of the Ku-associated repair system may be tested in addition to small molecule drugs. / 小分子薬物に加えて、Ku-関連修復系の成分の重要な領域に類似するペプチド又はペプチド模倣物を試験することができる。(USP6242175)

$$ In practice this dc sub-band often resembles a highly pixelated version of the original picture. / このdcサブバンドは、実際上、原画像を高度に画素化したもの(highly pixelated version)とよく似ている。(USP5353059)

$$ Parameter types closely resemble those found in general purpose computer programming languages, for example the C programming language. / パラメータタイプは、例えばCプログラム言語のような一般的な目的のコンピュータプログラム言語に見られるものと非常に似ている。(USP6073174)

$$ In this embodiment, the overall shape of the roller 220 resembles a barrel. / 本実施形態において、ローラ220の全体的形状は、樽に似ている。(USP7581284)

$$ A conditional in the C preprocessor resembles in some ways an `if` statement in C, but it is important to understand the difference between them. (USP6691301)




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$$ In these cases, cache partitions may be reserved in both the data and instruction caches for the data and code required for these important routines. (USP02002657)

$$ Preferably, space is reserved on the storage medium which may be accessed only by the Supervisor, referred to as the dedicated area 2. (USP6684309)

$$ Its V-field is set to 1 and its IBA field is set to 40, so as to reserve cache block CB0 for the instructions of VCS1. (USP01047466)

$$ A placeholder criterion is available to reserve a place in the rule for a message that will not arrive. (USP6138168)

$$ The RAM 161 in the ASIC can be used by the system controller 165 as a scratch pad RAM to speed up operations and in order to reserve the maximum amount of RAM 78 for the storage of the main data. / ASIC内のRAM161は、動作の速度を増すためにスクラッチパッドRAMとして、また主データの記憶用として最大量のRAM78を確保するために、システム制御装置165によって用いられうる。(USP6058304)

$$ Address zero is the only address that is reserved by the system and cannot be used as an index for a client user function. (USP6691301)

$$ The first three digits of the pseudo-random string are not random and are reserved to indicate to the user that a received SMS message is from the host computer. (USP02059146)

$$ For example, as described elsewhere herein, timeslots might be reserved for interference measurements.(USP02042274)

$$ A capability reserved for users recorded as owners is the assignment of other users to a data set. / 所有者として記録されたユーザに用意された能力は、他のユーザをデータの組に割り当てることである。(USP6424968)




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$$ When the second reactor chamber 34 requires replenishment, the switch 30 is reset so as to redirect the gases to the first reactor chamber 33 once again. / 第2反応性チャンバ34が補充を必要とした場合には、スイッチ30を再設定し、ガスを再び第1反応性チャンバ33に再方向付けする。(USP5339327)

$$ When a new key activation has been detected, a time counter is reset to a reference value T=0. / 新しいキー作動が検出される場合、時間カウンタが基準値T=0にリセットされる。(USP5479385)

$$ When a busy signal is next received, the value for the increment is reset to 1. / ビジー信号を次に受信するとき、インクリメントする値は1にリセットされる。(USP6330313)

$$ On receiving the eighth call the counter, which is operating modulo 7, is reset to a value of `1`. / 8番目の呼を受取ると、7を法として演算するカウンタは、‘1’の値にリセットされる。(USP6748063)

$$ This counter runs only while the "1" signal is in existence and resets to zero when the signal ceases i.e. when the voltage V drops below the threshold Vt. / このカウンタは、「1」信号をカウントし、信号が終了すると、すなわち電圧Vが閾値Vt未満になると、ゼロリセットされる。(USP6941671)

$$ The detection processor then resets the multiplex switching circuit to its initial state in readiness for the next mechanical interaction to be detected. (USP6585162)




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$$ FIG. 2 is a representation of an international switching centre that may reside within the Communications Network of FIG. 1; / 図1の通信ネットワーク内に存在する国際交換の図。(USP6775249)

$$ In practice, a gateway processor such as the gateway processor 340 and a Web erver such as the Web server 310 typically reside on a common computing platform. / 実際には、ゲートウエイプロセッサ340のようなゲートウエイプロセッサ、およびWebサーバ310のようなWebサーバは、一般的に共通のコンピューティングプラットフォーム上に存在する。(USP6393468)

$$ In one embodiment of the invention, an FDS 440 according to this invention is embodied as a control program, which resides on a computing platform. / 本発明の1実施形態では、FDS440 は本発明にしたがって、計算機プラットフォームに内蔵された制御プログラムとして取入れられる。(USP5907602)

$$ The user 201 reviews the security string 210 residing on their device 202 and determines their TAC for that particular sale. (USP02059146)

$$ A connection originates from a Web client, for example a Web browser, which is a software process typically residing on a personal computer (PC) or workstation. / 接続はWebクライアント、例えばWebブラウザから始まる。このWebブラウザはパーソナルコンピュータ(PC)またはワークステーション上にあるソフトウエアプロセスである。(USP6393468)

$$ This is indirectly supported by GLINT via image uploading and downloading, with the accumulation buffer residing on the host. (USP5727192)

$$ The address space of an FPGA co-processor is used to stream data to the function residing on the co-processor. (USP6691301)

$$ Call monitoring apparatus 200, residing within the DISC 130, monitors the destination of each call to determine whether a valid destination has been specified or whether a dialling error has occurred. (USP6775249)




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$$ In an example, the residence time in this column is 170 minutes. / 一例では、このカラム中の滞留時間は170分である。(USP6277932)

$$ The positional information relating to each building or residence is then used to search for a corresponding telephone number in the telephone user database, in order that a contact list may be produced. / 各ビルディングまたは住宅に関係する位置情報を使用して、電話ユーザデータベース内の対応する電話番号をサーチして、接触リストを生成することができる。(USP6912270)

$$ This equates to achieving complete nitrification with a residence time in the reactor of less than 1.2 hours, a re-circulation rate of 70 and the removal of 2.0 mg/l/re-circulation pass. (USP6572773)

$$ This field contains the US state of residence of the inventor at the time of publication. (USPTO)

$$ However, the desired residence time will be a compromise between achieving (1) an acceptable rate of throughput of bulk material and (2) screening efficiency. (USP6367633)

$$ These dryers operate on a plug flow basis, i.e., first in first out (FIFO), which has the advantage that the residence time of sludge in the dryer can be accurately established. (USP01023853)




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$$ In this case, the superconductor 1 comprises a semiconducting substrate 10, for example a high resistance alloy on which is provided a thin film of high temperature superconducting material 11. / この場合、超伝導材料は、超伝導材料基板、例えば、高抵抗合金10を備え、高温の超伝導材料11の薄膜がその上に与えられる。(USP6239957)

$$ Only limited resistance against this removal is provided by the strength of the break line. (USP7021826)

$$ The ability to produce a patterned polymeric coating on a substrate, where the coating has high resistance (fastness) to solvents, water and heat is important in many areas of for instance the electronics and printing industries. (USP6639006)

$$ Otherwise, it is non-conductive and effectively provides a high resistance. / VSがVG以上であれば、非導電性となって、効果的に高い抵抗を提供する。(USP6331767)

$$ ...a very high resistance to stress corrosion cracking is found... (USP6146583)

$$ The springs bias the pressure pads against the pinions to provide frictional resistance against differential action. (USP6634979)

$$ In the following, the superconductor was modeled by a resistance of 10.sup.-6 ohm and the short circuit by 0.001 ohm. (USP02017974)

$$ Therefore such attachment points are not available to provide necessary resistance to movement of the housing 24 relative to the plinth 20 caused by the vibrations of the drive unit 16. / この様な取付部位は、ドライブユニット10の振動に伴うハウジング24の柱礎20に対する相対的な動きに対して必要となる抵抗を与えるための役には立たない。(USP5537480)

$$ The flow patterns achieved in testing have shown that the arrangement provides a high resistance to clogging from soot particles.(USP02025282)

$$ The set screws can be adjusted to provide any frictional resistance between these two extremes, with a high degree of fine-tuning capability. (USP6634979)

$$ Thus the series resistance between track 19 and the p-layer is less for element TE5 than it is for TE3. (USP02063521)




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$$ It is to be appreciated that many of the features described above in relation to the wear-resistant delivery tubes may be used in combination. / 耐摩耗性の分配チューブに関して上記した特徴の多くは、組み合わせて使用されてもよいと考えられる。(USP6692213)

$$ An assembly, according to any preceding claim, the shaft (11) and blades (13) of which include a blast-resistant material. (USP02017040)

$$ The length of the heat-resistant fibres is said to be about 1-50 mm, and the thickness from 10-300 μm. / 耐熱性繊維の長さは、約1-50mm、厚みは10-300μmであると言われている。(USP6177504)

$$ This invention relates to polymer formulations containing fire-resistant additives. / 本発明は、耐火剤を含有するポリマー配合物に関する。(USP6245846)

$$ As explained previously, to obtain directional properties the opposite side of the stud must be flow-compliant relative to the flow-resistant drive face 31.(USP6357146)

$$ In an embodiment not shown, the wear-resistant strips are replaced with grooves or voids in the walls of the delivery tube. / 不図示の実施形態において、耐摩耗性のストリップは、分配チューブの壁の溝またはボイドと置き換えられる。(USP6692213)




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$$ The sensor 10 has an insulating substrate 20 of sapphire, high resistivity silicon (>50 ohms/square) or insulating GaAs. / センサ10は、サファイア、高抵抗率シリコン(>50オーム/平方)、または絶縁GaAsの絶縁基板20を有する。(USP6809514)

$$ The semi-conductor material is doped with boron or phosphorous to a sufficiently high concentration to give the semi-conductor material a resistivity of 10.sup.3 Ωcm or less. / この半導体材料は、これに103Ωcm以下の抵抗率を与えるに充分高い濃度にホウ素又はリンで以てドープされる。(USP5407276)

$$ Preferably the prism array is fabricated from high resistivity (>10 kohm/cm) silicon so that the absorption loss experienced by the signal wave 6 is minimised. (USP7626756)

$$ The rate of decline of the AC current is dependent primarily on the electrical resistivity of the wrap or coating used and the area of the wrapping in contact with the soil per unit length. (USP7635976)

$$ This increase in resistivity will lower the overall heat output from the cable, as the total resistance of the cable will increase. (USP7566849)

$$ The method of claim 1 wherein the bulk electrical resistivity of said batch material is less than 10.sup.8 Ω-meter. (USP01008076)

$$ For the given core size, a resistivity of 10.sup.31 6 ohm-metres and a critical current of 2000A, this requires a critical current density of 2.5 10.sup.7 A/m2, which is relatively undemanding. (USP02017974)


RESOLVE 分解・解像・解決する


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RESOLVE 分解・解像・解決する

$$ This corresponds to a number of resolvable detection volumes (NRDV) of 7.8 million. / これは、780万個の解像可能な検出体積数(NRDV)に相当する。(USP8294977)

$$ In each case, the spectrum is resolved across five frequency bands. / それぞれの場合において、スペクトルは5つの周波数帯域に亘って分解される。(USP8233588)

$$ The process according to claim 1, wherein the amount of the resolving agent is less than 1 equivalent. / 分割剤の量が1当量未満である、請求項1に記載の方法。(USP7582752)

$$ Other means of resolving ambiguity may be employed however. / しかし、曖昧さを解決するための他の手段を使用することもできる。(USP7589825)

$$ The domain name service (DNS) is used to resolve host names into the actual ip address. (USP6167450)

$$ Such photodetectors are capable of resolving optical changes at several MHz. (USP6128086)

$$ This demonstrates the enormous resolving power of the cache tag system. (USP6075887)

$$ For example, if the sample has two or more closely spaced Raman peaks it is impossible to resolve them. (USP5623342)

$$ Electrosurgical instruments have been proposed to resolve the problems of sticking. (USP02052599)




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$$ The other electrodes 14, 15 are each provided on the opposite side of a respective one of the two layers 11, 12 to act as an activation electrode for that respective layer 11, 12. (USPGBP\6833656)

$$ If `n` modem shelves are provided, then the RF combiner shelf 42 combines and amplifies the power of `n` transmit signals, each transmit signal being from a respective one of the `n` modem shelves, and amplifies and splits received signals `n` way so that separate signals may be passed to the respective modem shelves. / n個のモデム・シェルフが設けられている場合、RFコンバイナ・シェルフ42は、n個のモデム・シェルフの各々から送信されたn個の送信信号分の電力を合成して増幅し、受信信号を増幅してn方向に分割し、個々の信号がそれぞれのモデム・シェルフに到達するようにしている。(USP02018462)

$$ First and second secondary windings are also provided, each associated with a respective one of the magnetic circuits and being electrically connected together in series opposition. (USP02017974)

$$ A gas turbine engine casing as claimed in claim 3, in which the end supports are provided with openings within which the tip treatment bars are disposed, each damping element being provided between a respective one of the tip treatment bars and the wall of the respective opening. (USP02000086)

$$ A digital filter as claimed in claim 4, wherein said multiplexer means comprises a plurality of start of block multiplexers, and said means for connecting causes each of said start of block multiplexers to pass data values to a respective one of alternate delay elements. / 上記少なくとも1つのブロック前縁マルチプレクサは、各々が1つおきの遅延素子の1つにデータ値を送る複数のブロック前縁マルチプレクサを有する請求項4のデジタルフィルタ。(USP5381354)

$$ Each DC-AC converter converts the DC output from the boost converters to an AC supply for the lamps of a respective one of the pumping sections.(USP5434880)

$$ Signals from an SSP 65 are communicated via a C7 signalling network 64 to a respective one of the front end processors. / SSP65からの信号はC7シグナリングネットワーク64を介して各前置プロセッサの1つへ伝えられる。(USP6330313)

$$ In FIG. 15 the colour reference converter 128 is shown to include for each of the four versions of the over sampled YUV colour difference input signals one of four colour converters 280 which is coupled to a respective one of the output channels 120, 122, 124, 126, from the over sampling processor 118. / 図15に示すように色基準変換回路128は、オーバーサンプリングされた4つのYUV色差入力信号に対応する4つの色変換回路280を備え、4つの色変換回路280は、それぞれオーバーサンプリング処理回路118の4つの出力チャンネル120,122,124,126に接続されている。(USP6614489)

$$ In the embodiment of the invention illustrated in FIGS. 2-6, the hull 3 has two arcuate, convex profile projections (each having an arc of approximately 120°) which each corresponds generally to the hub of a respective one of the two propellers (see FIG. 4). / 図2ないし6に示す本発明の実施例においては、船殻3は、前記2つのプロペラの各々のハブに概ね対応した2つの弧状凸型輪郭の突起(各々が約120度の弧を有している)を有している(図4参照)。(USP6332818)

$$ The store 54 can be considered to have been partitioned into an array of 64 (8×8) storage regions, in each of which a respective one of the 64 sub-bands is stored. / 出力フィールドメモリ54は、64(8×8)の記憶領域アレイに仕切られていると考えることができ、各領域に64の分割帯域のそれぞれ1つが記憶される。(USP6754433)




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$$ The output of the sub band number generation PROM is fed to both a horizontal pointer generation PROM 68 and a vertical pointer generation PROM 66 together with respective ones of the output from the horizontal position counter 62 and the vertical position counter 64. / 分割帯域番号発生PROMの出力は、水平ポインタ発生PROM68及び垂直ポインタ発生PROM66に、水平位置カウンタ62及び垂直位置カウンタ64からのそれぞれの出力と共に供給される。(USP6754433)

$$ An inductor 61 has a center tap connected to Vcc, and its end terminals connected to respective ones of the output terminals 49, 50. (USP6664824)

$$ The microphone connector 40 comprises two spring contacts 42 disposed for contact with respective ones of the two slide tracks. / マイクロホンコネクタ40は、2つのスライドトラック各々に接触するように配置された2つのスプリング接点42を備えている。(USP6282436)

$$ A threshold slicer 22 selects an ideal sample value for a sampling point by comparing the sampled value to three thresholds provided on respective ones of slicer threshold inputs 23, 24 and 25. / 閾値スライサ22は、サンプルされた値をスライサ閾値入力23、24、25からの閾値とそれぞれ比較することにより、サンプル点の理想サンプル値を選択する。(USP6114879)

$$ The individual switches 31 within the matrix are connected to respective ones of the dice 5A to 5F, 6A to 6C, 7A to 7C, 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B, 10A, 10B, 11A to 11H and 12 and serve to connect different ones of the dice operatively in the assembly. / このマトリックス内の個別のスイッチ31はダイ5A~5F, 6A~6C, 7A~7C, 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B, 10A, 10B, 11A~11H 及び12のぞれぞれ一つへ接続され、この組立体内で動作するようにそれらのダイのうちの異なる一つを接続するように働く。(USP5479055)

$$ An array of OR gates 210 220 are provided which receive respective ones of the outputs of the multiplexers. (USP7167887)




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$$ The selector rings (9-11) of a gearbox are moved axially of the mainshaft (8) to engage and disengage gears (1-6) by respective pairs of push-rods (15, 16) which extend inwardly between the gears (1-6). / 変速装置の切換リング(9~11)が、歯車(1~6)間で内方に延在しているそれぞれの組の押圧棒(15,16)によって歯車(1~6)を係合及び係合解除するために、主軸(8)の軸方向に動かされる。(USP6019010)

$$ At least some of the nodes preferably have plural links to other nodes, each of said plural links between respective pairs of nodes being associated with a time slot. / ノードの少なくともいくつかは、好ましくは他のノードに対する複数のリンクを有し、それぞれの組のノード間の前記複数のリンクのそれぞれはタイムスロットに結び付けられる。(USP6553020)

$$ Preferably, the or each stop formation comprises a respective pair of stop profiles defining a space therebetween for engagement by the stop means when the closure is closed on the neck. (USP5411157)

$$ Each of the injected chemical additive streams is directed to the apex of a respective pair of asymmetrical tabs such as those illustrated in FIGS. 5 and 6. (USP6623155)

$$ It is particulary preferred that the frame further comprises stop means for each space insertable between a respective pair of walls into the respective space to locate the bottom edge of a group when it is placed into the space. (USP02017019)


RESPECTIVE 対応してそれぞれに;それぞれに対応する;順次に


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RESPECTIVE 対応してそれぞれに;それぞれに対応する;順次に

$$ It also allows the sleeve to be at different distances from the microphone connector for respective positions of the slide. / 又、スライドの各位置に対してスリーブをマイクロホンコネクタから異なる距離に配置できるようにする。(USP6282436)

$$ FIG. 6a shows idealised graphs for respective differential output waveforms hereof; / 【図6a】 本発明の各差動出力波形の理想化したグラフ。(USP6816020)

$$ The respective base strips 24 limit the extent of interengagement of the teeth 22, 44. (USP6860455)

$$ The respective outputs of the rectifier circuit and the biased transistor circuit may be connected to a second supply terminal via either an active filter load or a passive filter load, such as an inductance-capacitance-resistance filter. (USP6664824)

$$ The respective areas on the hard disk 16 may then all or selectively be overwritten with the backed up data. (USP5684991)

$$ The respective terminal coatings may form a cap on each end of the capacitor body, as in the industry-standard five-sided termination processes.(USP6699767)

$$ Respective input/output terminals of each circuit 21 are shown connected to the transmission-line 15 between the loops 15a, 15b at substantially maximum spacing apart along the effectively single conductor 17, thus each at substantially halfway around the transmission-line 15 relative to the other. / 各回路21のそれぞれの入力/出力端子は、ループ15a、15b間の伝送線15に接続されているように示されており、事実上単一の導体17に沿って実質的に最大の間隔が置かれ、これによって各々は、互いに、伝送線15に沿って実質的に中央に位置する。(USP6816020)

$$ Respective third and fourth alert signal bursts are described in Tables 3 and 4 of the accompanying tables. / 第3および第4警告信号バーストをそれぞれ添付表の表3および表4に示す。(USP6201470)

$$ Respective LEDs on the casing can indicate when the power is on and when the battery needs replacing. (USP4993060):

$$ The system as claimed in claim 2, wherein the request signal is sent in dependence upon data stored from time to time in a respective buffer store.(USP5448559) / 要求信号はバッファ記憶装置に順次記憶されたデータに依存して送信される請求項2記載の装置。

$$ The system as claimed in claim 5, wherein each buffer store has a plurality of data thresholds, request signals being transmitted in accordance with a respective threshold reached.(USP5448559) / 各バッファ記憶装置は複数のデータしきい値を有し、しきい値に達すると要求信号が送出される請求項5記載の装置。


RESPECTIVELY 対応してそれぞれに;それぞれに対応する;順次に


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RESPECTIVELY 対応してそれぞれに;それぞれに対応する;順次に

$$ Instead of the guide block 15, there are two guide blocks 1,3 following part of the periphery respectively of pulley wheels 11 and 12 which are driven in the directions 4 and 2. / 案内ブロック15の代わりに、それぞれ矢印方向4,2に駆動されるプーリホイール11,12の外周に従う第2の案内ブロック1,3が備えられる。(USP6299422)

$$ The de-multiplexer 220 operates to separate the colour difference signal samples by feeding respectively each of the luminance and red and blue chrominance signal samples to a respective one of the three up sampling processors 232, 234, 236. / 分離回路220は、色差信号サンプルを分離し、輝度信号サンプル、赤色差信号サンプル、青色差信号サンプルそれぞれアップサンプリング処理回路232,234,236に供給する。(USP6614489)

$$ In this embodiment, the earth station 8 has first and second directional antennas directed towards the first and second satellites 4a, 4b respectively. / 本実施形態では、地球局8は、第1及び第2衛星4a、4bにそれぞれ向けられた第1及び第2の指向性アンテナを有している。(USP01046481)

$$ This information is fed back to the relevant base station(s) 1, 2, 3 for use as required via lines 13, 14 and 15, respectively. / この情報は必要によって線路13,14および15それぞれを通して関係する基地局1,2,3にフィードバックされる。(USP5430889)

$$ FIG. 3a and FIG. 3b show respectively a side view and top view of a plurality of composite displays according to the present invention; / 図3aおよび図3bは、本発明による複数の複合ディスプレイの側面図および頂面図である。(USP5929562)

$$ The DCEs 81, 83, 85 are provided, respectively, with individual FDSs 96, 97, 98, each of which handles user requests for its respective DCE. / DCE81,83,85は、それぞれ個々のFDS96,97,98を与えられ、それぞれ、各DCEに対するユーザ要求を処理する。(USP5907602)

$$ The nurses and the miners got pay rises of 3% and 5% respectively.(=The nurses got 3% and the miners got 5%)

$$ The emitter electrodes of the transistors 2 and 22 are connected by way of resistors 3 and 23 respectively to the base electrodes of the transistors 1 and 21 respectively, and by way of resistors 27 and 28 respectively to the emitter electrodes of the transistors 21 and 1 respectively.




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$$ After any quantisation errors have been removed by the quantisation processor 292, the resulting output signal is fed respectively from each of the quantisation processors 292 to an adjustment factor biasing processor 294 via respective channels 296. / 量子化処理回路292により全ての量子化誤差を除去した後、量子化処理回路292の出力信号は、それぞれチャンネル296を介して、調整係数バイアス処理回路294に供給される。(USP6614489)

$$ The baseband or video signals pass from the IF mixers 644 and 646 to outputs 658 and 660 respectively, each of which is connected to a summer (not shown) equivalent to element 530 of FIG. 9. / ベースバンド信号またはビデオ信号は、IFミキサ644と646とから第9図のエレメント530に相当する加算器(図示せず)にそれぞれ接続される出力部658及び660に送られる。(USP6441783)

$$ In this example the bus network is referred to as a P-link consisting of a parallel data bus 20 as shown in FIG. 2 together with a dedicated control line 21 provided respectively for each module so as to link the module to a P-link control unit 22. (USP6526501)

$$ A system as claimed in claim 3, wherein the or each line comprises a series of overlapping patches corresponding to the patch associated respectively with the or each line, the processor being operable to vary the spacing between adjacent patches in the or each line depending on control data input by operation of the user operable input device. (USP6137496)

$$ These arrays containing the x-, y-, and z- values respectively of each of the points are then sorted into ascending (or descending) order. (USP6549200)

$$ The switch, according to claim 1, wherein the switch control means comprises respective driver circuits respectively associated with each switching element.(USP5610507)

$$ Each of the three components of these signal samples are separated into three parallel streams of samples presented on respective output conducts 85, 86, 87 providing respectively each of the three YUV or RGB components. / これら信号サンプルの3つの成分は分離されて3つの並行するストリームが生成される。これら3つの並行するストリームは、それぞれYUV成分、すなわち輝度成分、U色差成分、V色差成分、又はRGB成分、すなわち赤成分、緑成分、青成分を表しており、出力チャンネル85,86,87を介して出力される。(USP6614489)




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$$ The horizontal sampling factors are 2, 1, 1 for components 702, 704 and 706 respectively and the respective vertical sampling factors are 1, 1, 1 (see components 702', 704', 706' in FIG. 7). (USP6724817)

$$ Moreover the x and y chips are constrained by the x and y pistons 76 and 66 respectively to move in a linear path between their respective magnets. / 更に、x、yチップは、x、yピストン76、66によりそれぞれ対応する磁石の間の線状経路を動くように制御されている。(USP6611139)

$$ They have intermediate frequency (IF) signal I/O ports i connected to third and fourth SPDT switches 46c and 46d respectively, each port i being connected to a respective switch pole. / これらは中間周波数(IF)信号I/Oポートiを第三及び第四のSPDTスイッチ46c、46dにそれぞれ接続し、各ポートiは各スイッチの極に接続される。(USP6441783)

$$ This source and destination of the first message are denoted by first and second vertical lines and 14 respectively, with the respective location labels (switch names) immediately above. (USP6492996)




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$$ The referred agent responds with a response message (step 118). / 被照会側エージェントは応答メッセージで応答する(ステップ118)。(USP8200743)

$$ The variator responds by adjusting its drive ratio to the required value. / バリエータは、その駆動比を必要な値に調整することによって応答する。(USP8108108)

$$ The GIRAFF 220 may also be used to respond to misdialled voice calls. / さらにGIRAFF220を使用して、ミスダイヤルした音声呼に応答することもできる。(USP6775249)

$$ The receiver is arranged to respond to viewer operation of a control device (28). / 受信機は、視聴者による制御装置(28)の操作に応答するよう構成される。(USP02042917)

$$ The display interface 52 responds to instructions from the processor 136 to drive the built-in display 26 in a conventional manner. / ディスプレイインタフェース52は、プロセッサ36からの命令に応答して、内蔵ディスプレイ26を従来の方法で駆動する。(USP6812954)

$$ When thresholds have been reached, the FDE 20 responds by performing a set of actions, which may include creating fraud alarms, or logging event trace records. / 閾値に到達したとき、FDE20は、不正警報を生成すること、またはイベントのトレース記録をログすることを含む1組の動作を実行することによって応答する。(USP5907602)

$$ The flags 90 are interpreted by the calling terminal 10 as a signal that the called terminal 24 is responding (T.30 section 5.3.3., second paragraph). / フラグ90は、発呼端末10により、着呼端末24が応答している信号と解釈される(T.30、5.3.3.項の第2段落)。(USP5877871)

$$ The processor 23 is arranged to respond to such linking data by displaying prompts when the viewer selects one movie for the custom channel. / プロセッサ23は、このようなリンク用データに応答して、視聴者がカスタム・チャネルに1つの映画を選択すると、プロンプトを表示するよう構成される。(USP02042917)

$$ The MES MIU 4 responds with an HDLC UA (Unnumbered Acknowledge) signal 86, to indicate that the HDLC SABME signal 84 has been received and data transfer may now take place. / MES MIU4はHDLC UA(非番号制確認)信号86をもって応答し、HDLC SABME信号84が受信されたことが指示されて、データ転送が起こり得る。(USP6278696)

$$ The embodiment described so far relates to a system where the vehicle coils A, B, C transmit at a nominal 125 kHz and the transponder 26 responds at 434 MHz. (USP6937136)

$$ If attempts by the Host Session Manager 176 to create a communications link 38 fail, then the Host Connection Manager 176 responds via the appropriate branch of process 250. (USP6848613)

$$ The caller then responds at step S53 with the 1470 message and hangs up at step S54. (USP6587551)

$$ An operational third node responds with an answer, indicating that all is well. (USP01054158)




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$$ SOAP uses a request-response mechanism in which one software component makes a request to another software component which then provides a response. / SOAPは要求-応答機構を使用し、該機構では、あるソフトウェアコンポーネントが別のソフトウェアコンポーネントに対して要求を行うと、該別のコンポーネントが応答する。(USP8150905)

$$ Each pair of probes 500 is responding to modulated excitation radiation 505 and consequently produces modulated responses 510. / プローブのそれぞれのペア500は、変調された励起放射505に応答しており、この結果、変調された応答510を生成している。(USP7652266)

$$ The time periods in question vary substantially in response to slightly different ambient temperature. (USP5813757)

$$ This sealing element has a linear response to temperature, making sealing difficult under fluctuating well temperatures. (USP02074742)

$$ The output Sout corresponds to subtraction of the response of each element 528 to the diffuse image of the scene from its response to the non-diffuse image of the scene. / 出力Soutは、シーンの非拡散画像に対する各素子の応答から、シーンの拡散画像に対する各素子528の応答を引いたものに相当する。(USP6414294)

$$ The stored value for the capacity may be amended automatically depending on the response of the network to admitted calls. / 記憶された容量値は、認められた呼に対するネットワークの応答に依存して自動的に変更できる。(USP6330313)

$$ A line control message (LCM) typically requires a response from the MIU that receives it. / ラインコントロールメッセージ(LCM)は通常、MIUがLCMを受信したことを示す応答を要求する。(USP6278696)

$$ If the response from the controllable unit is that the menu is valid, it is then displayed in step 80 in accordance with the menu descriptor. / 可制御ユニットからの応答が、該メニューが有効であるという場合、それはメニュー記述子に従ってステップ80で表示される。(USP5537605)

$$ The angle of inclination may be adjusted in response to fluctuations in flow conditions within the conduit, for example downstream of the deflector elements. (USP6623155)

$$ The values of w" and g in the method of FIG. 24 may then be adjusted in response to this measured ratio of eigenvalues, or any other suitable measure of stereoism. (USP5671287)

$$ A Gaussian filter, such as is used in the embodiment to be described, gives a well-behaved impulse response, but other filter types may also be suitable. (USP7653144)

$$ They give extended detector response beyond the silicon cut-off at about 1050 nm. (USP6858912)

$$ The polymeric coatings can be designed to be thin (e.g. <200 .mu.m or <50 .mu.m, or values in between) to give a faster response. (USP6586723)

$$ The variable attenuator 20 is designed to give a response to the control signal which is inversely proportional to that of the variable gain amplifier 21. (USP5507017)




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$$ When generating ferrofluids for various applications, it is desirable to address a range of responsiveness and temperatures. / 種々の適用に対して強磁性流体を生成する場合、応答性と温度の範囲の問題に取り組むことが望ましい。(USP6815063)

$$ Some embodiments of the present invention use a camera which is responsive to light outside the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. / 本発明のいくつかの実施形態は、電磁スペクトルの可視光以外の光に応答するカメラを使用する。(USP6687389)

$$ Each of the said filter tuning switch means is suitably responsive to a digital component of the first tuning signal. / 前記フィルタ同調スイッチ手段のそれぞれは第1の同調信号のデジタル成分に適切に応答可能である。(USP6681102)

$$ Compensation for temperature effects is provided by a temperature responsive input 59. / 温度の影響に対する補償は温度感応入力装置59によって与えられる。(USP5418645)

$$ One disadvantage of these previously proposed tools is that they have not been immediately responsive to actioning of the steering elements due to a delay while these elements move across the well annulus. (USP5421421)

$$ Responsive to receiving a reply message from the application program before expiry of a preset time period, the process at the server system converts the reply message back to HTML (if necessary) and sends the created HTML pages as a reply to the client terminal. / プリセット期間の満了前にアプリケーション・プログラムから応答メッセージを受信したことに応答して、サーバ・システムにおけるプロセスは(必要な場合には)その応答メッセージをHTMLに逆変換し、その作成されたHTMLページをクライアント端末に応答として送る。(USP6336135)


REST (名詞) 停止・残り


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REST (n) 停止・残り

RT: the remaining

$$ When the centrifuge is at rest, the device rests in the centrifuge in a position in which the slide 26 is at an angle. / 遠心分離機の停止のときは、用具は、スライド26が一定の角度にある位置の遠心分離機内に停止する。(USP7628955)

$$ The transfer station is designed to be disconnectable from the rest of the equipment by means of an automatic robotic handler. / トランスファー・ステーションは、自動的なロボット・ハンドルにより、設備の停止から分離可能であるように設計される。(USP6692213)

$$ There is a transitional region 70 between the waist 60 and the rest of the fiber 80. / くびれた部分60とファイバ80の残部との間は移行領域70になっている。(USP6631234)

$$ The temperature, C2H4 pressure and H2 and 1-hexene levels were maintained constant during the rest of the test. / 温度とC2H4圧力とH2および1-ヘキセンレベルとを試験の残部にわたり一定に維持した。(USP6437062)

$$ The pump has no return spring, so that the plunger position in FIG. 1 is the rest condition. / ポンプは返りばねを備えておらず、その結果図1のプランジャの位置が停止状態にある。(USP6422434)

$$ The cradle 56 defines a rest position for the pen 10 on the base unit 40. / 受け台56は、基地装置40上におけるペン10の定置位置を確定する。(USP6058304)

$$ The rest of the process variables are substantially identical. / 工程変量の残りは実質的に同じである。(USP6197252)

$$ These message would pass through the earlier blocks to the mimicked block unchanged and from then onwards to the rest of the blocks which cannot tell the message did not originate from the expected block. (USP5727192)

$$ The first two subcode bytes are synchronization bytes and the rest of the bytes are divided into the P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W subchannels. / 最初の2つのサブコードバイトは同期バイトであり、残りのバイトはP,Q,R,S,T、U,V及び、Wサブチャネルに分割される。(USP6560176)


REST (動詞)


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REST (v)

$$ At the end of the rotational travel (see FIG. 27g) the rivet 50 is oriented-vertically with the periphery of the head 50b resting on the guide rails 308. / 回転の過程の最後に(図を27g参照)、リベット50は垂直に配置され、ヘッド50bの周囲はガイド・レール308に位置する。(USP6692213)

$$ The ring 544 will slide downwardly along the waist portion 564 until the ring 544 rests against the shoulder 560. (USP5411157)

$$ The headrest 13 includes a cushion 25 which in use rests against the lower rear portion (occiput) of the patient's head. (USP6355049)

$$ For this purpose, the end of the spring away from the detent element rests against an adjustment screw. (USP5489100)

$$ The pawl is biased by its resilience towards the stop so that it rests against the stop 10 when at an indexed position. (USP02017161)

$$ The locking component 5 is a generally cylindrical collar that is secured in relation to the gripping component by being provided with cut away shoulders 51a, 51b that rest against the lips 22a, 24a of the gripping component respectively. (USP7637684)

$$ The support plate 22 is positioned within the canister 4 so as to provide an optimum standoff distance for the munitions 2 between the plate 22 and the open end 8 of the canister which, in use, will normally rest against a target to be penetrated. (USP6494139)

$$ The angle pressure sensing means 24 is one or more touch sensors 30 positioned as shown on the body 6 over a length of the body 6 that will rest against the part 26 and surrounding parts of the person's hand 28 during writing with the writing instrument 4. (USP5774571)




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$$ This avoids accidental starting and restarting of the device. (USP5813757)

$$ To this end, whenever the calls in progress equals the estimated capacity a second (deallocation) timer is started or restarted. / このために、進行中の呼が推定容量と等しいときはいつでも、第2の(割当て解除)タイマがスタートするかまたは再スタートする。(USP6330313)

$$ If the answer is No(N) the flow chart moves to block 118 where P is set equal to P' and Q is set equal to Q' after which the algorithm is restarted at block 84.もし回答がノー(N)なら、フローチャートはブロック118 に移り、ここでPはP′に等しく設定され、かつQはQ′に等しく設定され、その後でこのアルゴリズムはブロック84で再開始される。(USP5398248)

$$ Therefore, in use, when it is required to turn the apparatus 10, the storage compartment 54 is removed, the apparatus 10 turned, and the storage compartment 54 reconnected to permit the apparatus 10 to be restarted. (USP6955031)

$$ Logic 26 comprising a gate 25 that turns the clkin off and on, interrupt processing logic 20 which processes the WFI and receives the interrupt that will restart the processor and synchronisers 30. (USP7489752)

$$ It may take up to 20 minutes to re-synchronise the apparatus after the feed of the material has been restarted. (USP4856692)

$$ When the sorter restarts all of the tilt tray units then need to be reset so that they will respond to tip commands. (USP6799672)

$$ Handel-C terminates all plugins and then restarts them when resetting a program. (USP6691301)

$$ This involves stopping the electrophoretic process which cannot then be restarted after the proteins have been imaged. (USP6613210)




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$$ The unit in accordance with the invention is placed in the light path at 31 and may be swung out by means of a servo motor to position 32 to restore the scan head to normal confocal function. / この発明に従ったユニットは光の経路31に置かれ、走査ヘッドを通常の共焦点機能に復帰させるためにサーボモータによって外に揺らされて位置32に移動してもよい。(USP6429967)

$$ When flow ceases the rubber flap is restored to its-rest condition, closing off the large annular conduit 37 at the bottom.(USP6422434)

$$ On releasing the pressure on the plunger head it retracts axially relative to the outer annular portion, under the influence of the restoring force, to an accommodation position. / プランジャヘッドへの加圧を解除すると、該プランジャは、復元力の影響下で外環状部分に対し軸方向に調合位置まで引戻される。(USP6422434)

$$ If oxygen is then specifically added the carbon monoxide is oxidised and the original voltage 40 restored. / 特別に酸素を添加した場合には、一酸化炭素が酸化され、当初の出力電圧40が回復される。(USP5436086)

$$ If the aircraft power supply is restored, the emergency lighting goes off. (USP7573396)

$$ A restore and set quotient bit equal to 0 step occurs on the first cycle. (USP5748518)

$$ This square root macro is based on the restoring shift/subtract algorithm. (USP6691301)

$$ Colour restoration is not applied in this case. (USP6493029)

$$ The main spring thus provides a restoring torque to the rotation of the boss. (USP6478345)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | res...


$$ A domain rule is one which restricts the value of an attribute. / ドメイン・ルールは属性の値を制限するものである。(USP8311972)

$$ Decubitus ulcers form as a result of constant compression of the skin surface and underlying tissue thus restricting circulation. / 褥瘡は、皮膚表面およびその下の組織の持続的圧縮の結果として生じ、それによって血液循環が制限される。(USP8323264)

$$ It may be that in some applications successive rivets cannot be fed to the placing tool as frequently as required, thereby restricting the speed of use of the tool. / 用途によっては、必要な頻度で連続したリベットを打ち込み工具に送ることができないことにより、工具の使用速度が制限されるかもしれない。(USP8157485)

$$ For example, the computational load is rather high which restricts its use in real-time imaging applications. / 例えば、計算負荷がかなり高く、これによってリアルタイムイメージング用途における使用が制限される。(USP7649626)

$$ Furthermore no power is supplied to the windings 46 and thus the electromagnet also does not restrict movement of the lock/unlock lever 32 in an anticlockwise direction. (USP02074810)

$$ A filter arrangement as claimed in claim 1, further comprising retainer means restricting movement of the filter body away from its second position. (USP5925245)

$$ Gel permeation chromatography beads may be formed of acrylamide or blends of acrylamide with other monomers and sufficient polyethylenic cross linker to restrict their swelling in water to 0.2 to 2 times their weight, e.g., 15 to 30%. / ゲル透過クロマトグラフィービーズは、アクリルアミド又はアクリルアミドと他のモノマーとのブレンドならびに水中での膨潤をそれらの重量の0.2~2倍、たとえば15~30%に抑えるのに十分なポリエチレン性架橋剤で形成することができる。(USP6277932)

$$ Typically, the size of the mating pool may be restricted to a maximum of thirty eligible indexes prior to performing the genetic operations. / 一般に、結合プールのサイズは、遺伝プロセスを実行する前に最大30の適切なインデックスに制限されてもよい。(USP6182079)

$$ The supports 22 may have upstanding ends (not shown) to restrict lateral movement of the groups 12.(USP02017019)

$$ Alternatively, a return barrier may be inserted to restrict the thread to certain sections of the code (see Agent's Reference No. 5 in this specification).(USP02029357)

$$ The invention is not restricted to the details of the foregoing embodiment(s).(USP6138567)

$$ Thus the concept of group call has to be restricted to being point to multipoint calls only. / このように、グループコールの概念はポイント対多重ポイントコールのみに制限すべきである。(USP5398248)

$$ The gameplay does not restrict the participants to begin trading on a predetermined start date, and does not restrict them to cease trading on a fixed end date.(USP01027430)

$$ The prop 1 is, however, restricted from moving beyond a predetermined forward directed angle--preferably 60° to 70° to the wall 13--by means of an angle stop flange 9 on the prop 1 near the first end 2 of the prop 1, which abuts the base of the cradle 6 or the base plate 7 when the prop 1 is at its extreme forward position. (USP6058563)

$$ However, the method has more general applicability and its scope is not restricted only to such bags. (USP6269972)

$$ A dispenser according to claim 1 wherein relative movement of said chamber is restricted, the bottom of said chamber abutting the base in the open condition. (USP7490719)

$$ Continuous adjustment of the support element relative to the post overcomes the limited number of settings to which discrete systems are restricted. (USP7578245)

$$ An apparatus as claimed in claim 23, wherein the dedicated area is a part of the storage medium wherein access is restricted. (USP6684309)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | res...


$$ Accordingly, in this embodiment, restrictions are developed by the development program 220. / したがって、本実施形態では、制限は開発プログラム220によって開発される。(USP7565281)

$$ In particular, it also uses Automatic Call Restriction (ACR) on the outbound traffic. / とくに、OCSはアウトバウンドトラヒックについて自動呼制限(ACR)も使用する。(USP6330313)

$$ There is preferably additionally a flow restriction element as described above. / 上述のような追加的な流量抵抗要素のあることが好ましい。(USP6186974)

$$ There are restrictions on the communication paths which are possible between devices which belong to the same ATM device chain. (USP6118782)

$$ There is no restriction on the size of this FIFO imposed by the flow-control mechanism. (USP5422881)
