現在の読者数 43人



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | un...


$$ In the first, each path carries a duplicate of the subscriber data, so that the receiving node 2 may accept data from ANY active path. / 第1に、受信ノード2がどちらのアクテイブ経路からのデータも受け入れられるように、各経路が加入者データの重複を搬送する。(USP6553020)

$$ The mouse is clicked on "OK" to accept the new colour scheme or clicked on "Cancel" to abort and revert to the old colours. / マウスを「OK」でクリックして新しい色体系を承認するかまたは「キャンセル」をクリックして中断し元の色に戻る。(USP6611142)

$$ A drip is added to the bucket, that is to say the counter is incremented, each time an initial message is received for a new call by the respective transaction server and the call is accepted. / 最初のメッセージが新しい呼に対して各トランザクションサーバによって受取られ、呼が受領される度ごとに、バケットに1ドリップ(1滴)が加えられ、すなわちカウンタがインクリメントされる。(USP6748063)

$$ The upper part cylinder (10v) is threaded to accept the inlet and outlet pipework (not shown) which pass through the main body at inlet/outlet conduits (10j'). / 上部シリンダー10vは、入口/出口導管10j’で主要部を通り抜ける入口及び出口パイプ(図示せず)を受けるためにネジ切りされている。(USP6764226)

$$ Other techniques may also be used to reduce the number of visemes required to provide acceptable results. / 他の技術も許容可能な結果を与えるために必要とされるバイセム数を減少するのに使用されることができる。(USP6772122)

$$ Trace levels of contaminants may be acceptable in certain circumstances and such circumstances may be determined by the skilled person at the time. / 極微量レベルの汚染物は一定環境では許容可能であり、このような環境は、その時点で当業者により確定され得る。(USP6797699)

$$ To alleviate this alignment problem, it is convention practice to employ cleavage tracks wider than 100 μm and accept an associated reduction in device density on wafers. / このアライメントの問題を軽減するのに、100μmより広いへき開トラックを採用し、それに伴いウェハ上のデバイス密度が低下することに甘んじるということが通常行われている。(USP6977986)

$$ This may be acceptable in a practical design of fuel cell. / これは実際の燃料電池の設計において受け入れられることである。(USP5436086)

$$ The SfB classification system is a widely accepted classification of products used in the construction industry. / なお、SfB分類システムは建設業界で広く受け入れられている製品分類方法である。(USP5559936)

$$ Thus, the acceptable delay for response is increased. / これにより、応答のために許容することができる遅延が長くなる。(USP5877871)

$$ Even so there is still a finite risk of the relative humidity within the nodes rising to an unacceptable level. / そのようにしても、許容できないレベルにノード内の相対湿度が上昇する危険性がなお存在する。(USP5903685)

$$ The operators can accept an alarm, which identifies the operator working the alarm. / オペレータが警報を受けとって、警報を作動しているオペレータを識別することができる。(USP5907602)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | un...


$$ The N92D mutant is unable to induce a calcium flux.(USP6403767)

$$ An impaired ear is unable to select an individual sound source when confronted with several other sources simultaneously and most hearing aid devices are designed to enhance the chosen source.(USP6307945)

$$ Furthermore, security systems typically used in airports, such as metal detector wands and archways, are unable to detect non-metallic objects such as explosives. / 更に、空港で通常使われている金属探知棒及びアーチ通路などの保安システムは、爆発物などの非金属の物体を発見することはできない。(USP6453224)

$$ For the avoidance of doubt, the term locked is used to mean that a door is unable to be opened from the outside but can be opened from the inside, and the term superlocked is used to mean a door which cannot be opened from either the inside or the outside. (USP02073789)

$$ A disadvantage with this technique is that it is inefficient in multi-threaded environments and is unable to detect when cyclic structures (for example, when object A refers to object B, which refers back to A again) have become garbage.(USP02029357)

$$ This is advantageous in the event that the TV 1 should suddenly become unable to transmit the release message: the user can halt the volume increase by issuing any new command via another apparatus such as the VCR 2. / これはTV1が解放メッセージの送信を急激に不可能にしなければならない場合に有利である。ユーザーはVCR2のような別の装置を介して任意の新しい指令を発出してボリュームの増大を中止できる。(USP5479385)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | un...


$$ It is quite often assumed that the power dissipation due to capacitive charging and discharging of MOS transistor gates, for example, is unavoidable. / 例えば、MOSトランジスタのゲートの容量性充電および放電による電力消散は、不可避であると仮定されることが非常に多い。(USP6816020)

$$ Predetermined land areas such as green-field sites are programmed as safe to eject fuel in a foreseeable yet unavoidable aircraft failure situation. (USP7225063)

$$ This will inevitably lead to degradation of the reconstructed image frames; there is an unavoidable trade-off between distortion and bit rate. (USP6990246)

$$ This delay is unavoidable if the integrity of the data transmitted is to be maintained at an acceptable level and is typically of the order of 40 ms for each transmission directional change. (USP6799672)

$$ This may be useful in cases where movement of the object is unavoidable, e.g. if the object is part of the human body such as a patient's head for example. (USP6128086)

$$ In many cases, first time execution activities include semaphores that are unavoidable (for example, those used in class loading). (USP02029357)

$$ In such operations, semaphores are unavoidable. (USP02029357)


UNDESIRABLE 望ましくない・好ましくない


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | un...

UNDESIRABLE 望ましくない・好ましくない

$$ This is undesirable as air can then pass through the gap 114. / これは望ましくない。気流がギャップ114を通過することとなるからである。(USP8360438)

$$ It will be appreciated that it is undesirable to permit leakage of the UV energy emitted by the bulb 18 during sterilisation. / 殺菌時に球18によって放射される紫外線エネルギーがもれるのが望ましくないことは理解されよう。(USP6028315)

$$ It is undesirable to reduce picture quality of the background video at the edges of a logo. / ロゴの端部において背景映像の画質を低下させることは望ましくない。(USP6567128)

$$ These sort of boiling times help to break down starch (the inventor has found that it is undesirable to have a high starch content in the soluble fibres). / このような程度の沸騰時間は、澱粉を破壊するのを助ける(本発明者らは、可溶性繊維の高澱粉含量が望ましくないことを発見している)。(USP7235268)

$$ There may also be undesirable torque steer effects. (USP7631721)

$$ This is an undesirable characteristic in the context of this invention. (USP6895815)

$$ In many circumstances, this shadow is undesirable. (USP5940204)

$$ This is undesirable. (USP5739332)

$$ In many applications, it is undesirable that the reproduced image of a sound source in a directional reproduction system should be absolutely sharp. (USP5671287)

$$ A single ball could be used, but that would result in unbalanced forces, which is undesirable. (USP5489100)

$$ Where the product is to be dried on a commercial scale, this is undesirable. (USP02038049)

$$ Furthermore the base station of such a network constitutes a single point of failure of the network, which again is undesirable. (USP7580380)

$$ Reducing the electrode ratio increases the power requirement to reach the threshold so that, despite the high impedance of the target tissue, it is undesirable to reduce the ratio to the lowest value capable of supporting vaporisation. (USP6780180)

$$ As has been previously mentioned above, the power and disposition of the lenses 38 and 39 is effectively set by the overall optics of the system and it is undesirable to alter them too greatly. (USP5018846)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | un...


$$ The undulations may be formed by embossing. / 上記の起伏は、型押しにより形成することができる。(USP5373373)

$$ The undulations may be formed in the surface of the support, or the mould surface, in a number of ways. / このような起伏は、支持体の表面、すなわち、金型面27の表面に対し種々の方法で形成することが可能である。(USP5373373)

$$ The runway surfaces have to be as smooth as possible and typically the undulations should be within the range of +2% in 3000 mm, for example, in the critical air bearing travel regions. / 走路表面は可能な限り平滑とする必要があり、典型的には、例えば、重要な空気軸受の移動領域における凹凸は、3000mm中±2%以内の範囲とするべきである。(USP7090586)

$$ Hold up, such as shown at line 110, can occur across the undulation 112, preventing or inhibiting the flow of lower density fluid through or past the held up higher density fluid. (USP6997256)

$$ FIG. 10 is a schematic of a deviated wellbore including an undulation with a hold up. (USP6997256)

$$ This activity has the effect of "flattening" the undulations in the epidermis and the cellular layer immediately below the epidermis seen microscopically in skin prior to treatment. (USP6629974)


UNEVEN 不均一な、凹凸の


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | un...

UNEVEN 不均一な、凹凸の

$$ In one such method, a sacrificial material, such as silicon dioxide, is deposited over the uneven surface between the LED mesas, so that it in-fills the regions between them. / そうした方法の一つでは、発光ダイオードのメサ間にある平坦でない表面に、二酸化珪素のような犠牲材料を堆積させ、メサ間に二酸化珪素で詰め込んでいる。(USP7598149)

$$ A further disadvantage is that when drilling is restarted in a new direction it is often the case that the drill bit kicks in an unpredictable direction due to unevenness in the hardness of the formation at the point of stoppage of the drill head. (USP6659201)

$$ A higher value for the solvent tends to give a better resolution of Marangoni unevenness than a lower value. (USP6586723)

$$ If for any reason the gaps between the edges of the turf tray 12 and the pit wall 34 were to become uneven (misalignment) it would be very easy to re-establish the accurate position required simply by a few turns of the hand wheels. / 仮に、何らかの理由で芝トレイ12の縁部と穴壁部34の間の隙間が不均等(不整合)になったとしても、手動の車輪を数回転させるだけで、正確な位置が非常に簡単に再確立される。(USP7090586)

$$ Alternatively the powder may have an uneven surface finish.(USP02064413)

$$ However, as the tube can only be locked in one position relative to the annular housing, again no fine adjustment of the position of the tube in the housing can be made to take into account uneven ground.(USP5579862)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | un...


$$ Unlike a conventional 3 R repeater which reshapes and retimes signals an optical amplifier provides single analogue amplification of all input optical signals. / 信号の再成形及びリタイミングを行う従来の3Rリピータと違って、光増幅器はすべての入力光信号を増幅するアナログ増幅を供給する。(USP5446812)

$$ This checking is performed at the bit level because unlike with the address field, the first byte of the control field is not limited to a small number of predetermined patterns. / アドレスフィールドの場合と異なり、制御フィールドの第1のバイトは少数の所定のパターンに限定されないので、この検査はビットレベルで実行される。(USP5467350)

$$ Furthermore, unlike the distributed amplifier, they require only a single amplifying device 3. / 更にその上、分布増幅器と似ないで、それらは単一の増幅装置3だけしか必要としない。(USP5412347)

$$ Unlike in prior art devices or circuits, the heat conducting and electrically insulating layer can be situated...(USP02034843)

$$ The electron beam is scanned from side to side and from top to bottom, in a manner not unlike that of a television screen, using scanning coils (19); the scanned area of the specimen is extremely small.(USP6211525)

$$ The support means 131 further comprises modified location plates 147 which, unlike the location plates 45 and 46 of the previous embodiment as shown in FIG. 3, are adjustably connectable to the curved plate 136 by screw fittings 148.(USP6355049)

$$ This membrane is approximately one millimetre in thickness and is not only relatively incompressible compared with other skin areas but also does not tend to slide on the bone unlike skin covering the scalp.(USP6355049)

$$ Unlike antifuse and FLASH EPROM which maintain their state after power is turned off, SRAM is a volatile memory which loses all information on power off.(USP01037458)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | un...


$$ Of course co-channel interference will result in such a case, but in general the process adjusts partial usages so that this is unlikely to occur in practice. / もちろん、このような場合はコチャンネル干渉が生成されることになるが、一般的にはプロセスが部分的な使用を調節して、実際にはコチャンネル干渉を行われそうもない。(USP6539228)

$$ In such situations, it is unlikely that a prechosen network topology can be mapped onto the available lines of sight. / このような状況では、事前に選ばれたネットワークトポロジは、使用可能な見通しの上にマッピングできそうもない。(USP6553020)

$$ In most applications this is unlikely to occur except during occasional brief transients (such as explosions in a movie soundtrack). / 大概のケースでは時折の瞬間(映画サウンドトラックの爆音等)を除けばこれは起こりそうもない。(USP7577260)

$$ A verb followed by an adjective is a combination unlikely to occur in a short phrase and are therefore considered unlikely to enhance the quality of a similarity matrix. / 動詞に続く形容詞は短い語句中では発生しそうにない組合せであり、したがって類似性マトリックスの品質を強化しそうにないと考えられる。(USP6353827)

$$ Preferably the method includes storing the code so that infrequently executed code is unlikely to be pulled into a cache.(USP02029357)

$$ It is extremely unlikely that two bitstreams will have the same initial value.(USP01037458)

$$ This is unlikely to be appropriate in an ISDN implementation since the network automatically rejects the call after a very short period if there is not acceptance. / ISDNにおいて、若し呼の受け取りがなければ、ネツトワークは、極めて短時間後に呼を自動的に拒絶するので、上述の実施例はISDNにおいて実施しても不適切ではない。(USP5442691)
